1st Guards Tank Army: Southern Poland


1st Guards Tank Army: Southern Poland


The 1st Guards Tank Army was one of the USSR’s elite pre-War combat formations intended to speaheap attacks against NATO and into West Germany – and fought all through the initial invasion and its eventual defeat, the retreat through the DDR and into Poland and, now, in a much reduced form, has been the speahead of the Soviet counteroffensive against NATO’s Operation Reset.


This sourcebook covers the formation in considerable detail, with information about the pre-War unit, Soviet reinforcement policies and procedures, and of each of the three Main Force units of the Army (really what NATO would call a Corps) as well as the attachments of Category IV (Wartime Mobilisation Only) elements intended to boost the combat power of the main force remnants.



Biographies of the unit COs, information on the locations where the main units may be found, and details of all new (i.e. not in the Core Rules) Vehicles and Equipment are included in the book as well as details of the soldiers to be encountered in each unit in the easy to read and use format pioneered in PGD’s Cardboard Characters Expanded are included — which means that the product is usable ‘out of the box’ with only the Core Rules needed.


This is a supplement for the soon to be released (late 2024 or early 2025) Operation Omdurman High Adventure Campaign which will include only limited information about the 1st GTA Headquarters as the rest of the Formation is ‘off map’ for that product.



If you want to have some idea of what a realistic late War, post Exchange, Soviet unit might look like, then this is the product for you!


1st Guards Tank Army: Southern Poland is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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