Quite a few people have contacted me to ask why access to this blog is banned on Maynooth University campus, as indicated at the top of yesterday’s post. As far as I can see, the block applies not only to this site (telescoper.wordpress.com aka telescoper.blog) but every site with an IP address or addresses (a pair in my case) hosted on the WordPress.com domain. I don’t know how many sites that is, but it’s a lot.
When I asked IT Services at Maynooth why I could neither read no write to my own blog via the campus network, it was explained to me that at some point one of the sites hosted on WordPress was involved in a phishing operation so the whole domain was blocked by the “external provider” as it is deemed a security risk. Actually WordPress.com has very strict control of its security, so this allegation is potentially defamatory and damaging to WordPress business. I wouldn’t be surprised if they take legal action. It doesn’t damage my business of course, as I make no money from this blog, but I nevertheless find it extremely annoying.
It was in February 2024 (while I was away in Australia) that Maynooth University privatized its computer network, handing over all control of it to a company called Agile Networks. This “external provider” has complete control over web access from Maynooth University and is not accountable to the University for its actions. It, not the University, decides what websites can be accessed by staff and students. So much for academic freedom.
I might add that there has been a plethora of network service outages recently, so I was amused by the self-congratulatory tone of Agile Networks about its takeover of Maynooth’s internet access, e.g.
It has revolutionised the campus. It has made every outdoor area of the campus a viable classroom.
That may be true, but it merely reflects the fact that Maynooth does not have anywhere near enough indoor teaching or student study spaces. I’m sure students will be delighted that it is now deemed acceptable for them to study in the “viable classroom” of the great outdoors, complete with freezing cold and pouring rain!
Anyway, I contacted WordPress to tell them of the problem and they confirmed that nobody from either Maynooth University or Agile Networks has contacted them about the alleged security breach. They said
The ideal situation would be that the service provider reviews our documentation and whitelists the IP…
Evidently, the situation is not ideal!