“My Dad Is A Pathological Liar,” Says Witness’ Son


‘On July 23, 2022– many months before I published a word about the Trinity UFO-crash story or even thought about doing so– Sammy Padilla told a New Mexico State Police officer that “my dad is a pathological liar,” and expressed the belief that the Trinity UFO story was untrue.’

     Sammy Padilla, now age 61, is the son of Joseph Lopez (Jose) Padilla, age 86. The two men share a single dwelling place in La Joya, New Mexico. In recent months, Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris have pointed to Jose Padilla as their primary and most trustworthy witness to the Trinity UFO crash of 1945

(which I believe to be a non-existent event, a sloppy hoax). The other claimed 1945 eyewitness, Remigio (Reme) Baca, died in 2013.

Sammy Padilla’s statements to the New Mexico State Police (NMSP) were recorded in video and audio by the body cam of a NMSP officer who was dispatched in response to a request from Sammy Padilla, who wished to discuss certain alleged behavior by his father Jose, and who also seemed to have some things he wanted to get off his chest about the UFO story.

Sammy Padilla, Son of Joseph Lopez (Jose) Padilla, Speaks to a New Mexico State Police Officer 7-23-2022

Sammy Padilla told the NMSP officer, “My dad claims he saw a UFO when he was small. Well, there’s these people from Europe. There’s a woman especially named Paola Harris, and she has gotten him to back things up. And now they wrote a book about it, and now she’s writing a life story about him, and it’s going to be made into a movie, supposedly, and all this stuff. A lot of people knew it was bullshit what he’s saying.”

In an audio-recorded conversation with the NMSP dispatcher earlier the same day, Sammy Padilla said, “There’s some people that my dad got involved with, because he claimed to see a UFO. And now this woman– it’s not my cousin, but this other woman, who is writing a book about him, and telling him that this book is going to become a movie, and he’s going to be famous. And so he’s going on this stuff. And I can tell you, from what I have heard from what he has told other people, they’re not true.”

Additional statements by Sammy Padilla pertaining to certain public claims by Jose Padilla are found in transcripts below, and in the body-cam recording.

New Mexico law requires law enforcement officers to activate their body-cams during such interactions with members of the public. Such recordings (with certain redactions specified by law) are public records under the Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA), which is a state law that is in some ways similar to the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), but with fewer exclusions and exceptions. In New Mexico, many interactions between law enforcement officers and members of the general public are accessible to anyone who submits a properly formulated request, which is what I did. I received the body-cam recording on May 24, 2023, along with an audio recording of an earlier conversation between Sammy Padilla and a NMSP dispatcher, and also a written report (“Event Information”) summarizing some of that day’s communications between Sammy Padilla and the agency personnel. All of these records were generated by interactions between Sammy Padilla and NMSP personnel on July 23, 2022.

The Event Information report attributes to Sammy Padilla the additional statement that his father “is a very good liar.”

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