In the misty realm where legend and history intertwine, a powerful figure emerges from the shadows of Avalon. Morgaine, priestess of the old ways, weaver of magic and fate. This song tells part of her tale.
- Born in Cornwall’s misty shore
- Daughter of the ancient lore
- Taken to the Isle of mists
- To learn the ways of priestess bliss
- Morgaine of the Fairies, torn between two worlds
- Avalon’s daughter, her destiny unfurled
- Dancing in the shadows, where old and new collide
- Morgaine of the Fairies, on a sacred ride
- Sister to a future king
- Goddess vessel in the ring
- Unknowing mother, fateful night
- Mordred born of sacred rite
- Priestess, sister, lover, queen
- Shaping history, yet unseen
- In the balance of her hand
- The fate of Avalon’s sacred land
- Morgaine of the Fairies, torn between two worlds
- Avalon’s daughter, her destiny unfurled
- Dancing in the shadows, where old and new collide
- Morgaine of the Fairies, on a sacred ride
- Morgaine of the Fairies, misunderstood
- Her tale retold, now understood
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