“The Flying Saucers are Real” by Donald E. Keyhoe is a seminal work in the field of UFO literature, originally published in 1950. In this book, Keyhoe, a retired U.S. Marine Corps major, argues that UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are real and that they are likely extraterrestrial in origin. He bases his claims on numerous eyewitness accounts from military pilots, radar operators, and other credible sources, as well as his own investigations.
Keyhoe discusses various UFO sightings and incidents, many of which involved the U.S. military. He asserts that the U.S. government has been aware of these phenomena and has systematically covered up information about UFOs to avoid public panic. Keyhoe critiques the Air Force’s handling of UFO reports and suggests that there is a concerted effort to downplay the significance of these sightings.
The book also delves into the technical aspects of the reported UFOs, describing their speed, maneuverability, and other characteristics that, according to Keyhoe, could not be attributed to any known human-made aircraft at the time. He speculates about the possible motivations and origins of these extraterrestrial visitors, proposing that they may be conducting reconnaissance missions or scientific observations of Earth.
Overall, “The Flying Saucers are Real” is a compelling call for transparency and further investigation into the UFO phenomenon. Keyhoe’s meticulous documentation and authoritative writing helped to bring the topic of UFOs into the mainstream and inspired many subsequent investigations and writings on the subject.
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The book is now considered in the public domain. The PDF below was created by The Black Vault, using the text from The Project Gutenberg.
The Flying Saucers are Real by Donald E. Keyhoe, Fawcett Publications, 1950 (Public Domain)
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