The Matrix Defragged


The Matrix Defragged

For decades, navigating the Matrix has felt like wandering a mad-science test maze, with players and GMs bogged down by intricate rules and technical jargon. The Matrix Defragged reframes this experience using familiar concepts, while providing a more engaging approach and bringing the mystique back to being the underworld decker.


Delve into the virtual shadows of the Sixth World like never before with The Matrix Defragged: A simplified take on running the Matrix for Shadowrun 3rd Edition. This supplement offers GMs and players a streamlined system that captures the thrill of cyberspace without the complexity.


Bring Hackers Back to the Table

For too long, the role of the hacker has been sidelined. The Matrix Defragged reenergizes this pillar of the cyberpunk genre, allowing you to experience the Matrix in all its virtual glory! Dynamic utilities and more tactical cybercombat ensure every Matrix run is packed with excitement and strategy.


The Matrix Defragged Features Streamlined mechanics for Hacking and Cybercombat
Simplified rules make hacking straight-forward and easy, while cybercombat emulates the thrill of any meat world knife fight!


Classic and Modern Matrix Integration
Adheres closely to established Matrix concepts like RTGs, hosts, nodes, and killer IC, while incorporating newer aspects such as AROs, Agents, Augmented Reality (AR), Overwatch, marks, and Ultraviolet systems that rose to prominence in later editons.


Unifying Rules for all Matrix Enabled Devices
Simplified System/Security mechanics for all hosts and Matrix enabled devices give just enough crunch for Runners to customize their gear, while facing security threats that will keep them on their digital toes. Experience more focused Matrix runs with a 10-count Overwatch, streamlined system maps, and innovative protocols.



Immersive Hacking Moments
Marking nodes provides deckers with that exhilarating “I’m in” moment, enhancing the sense of criminal mischief.
An enhanced focus on Passcodes, gives hackers a new avenue to breach a system.


Wired and Wireless Matrix capability
Fearlessly take your 3e campaign into 2065 and beyond, with the option for either a wired and wireless Matrix.


Create all manner of digital adversaries with programmable agents, each with specialized abilities designed to challenge and engage your Runners. Agents that function like NPCs, make cybercombat more… personal.


Reusable System Maps
Utilize classic system maps from early Shadowrun adventures, or hack on the fly using templated host systems.


Broad Compatibility across Early Editions
Although designed for Shadowrun 3rd-Edition, let’s just say it’s highly compatible with Shadowrun 1st and 2nd Editions.


The Matrix Defragged is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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