The windowed saucer interrupts school principal’s talk to students’ parents


The windowed saucer interrupts school principal’s talk to students’ parents

Late August or early September — 1949


This was the meeting for parents when their kids were passing from Grade School into Junior High School…late August or early September 1949.  I was about to turn 12 years old in October.  I was the second youngest of my class. As I recall the youngest might have been the boy sitting alone left of the aisle near the front. At first, my parents and I were sitting close to him near the front, left of the aisle. 

I was passing from Bethany Grade School to Northeast Junior High School, which was located in the Northeast High School building.

Before the Principal began to speak, The windowed saucer deposited the small booth clear to the left in front of the seats.  It manifested from fog with very low volume sounds. After the voice began to speak “eternal knowledge and wisdom — Indians and buffaloetc,”  the other boy and I then began to inspect the strange booth.   When my folks couldn’t figure out what was happening, they moved to the center sections of seats…I believe further back where the closest couple is shown.   The other boy might have entered the small booth but, at present, I don’t recall getting in.

After the principal greeted the parents and began his speech, the windowed  saucer hissed into the atmosphere from tiny pinpoints in front of the crowd.  It manifested with a low volume roar — and the voice began to speak.  He interrupted the principal by repeating his exact words at least a couple of times.  He did this in a humorous way and it drew laughter from the crowd.  The principal was a very nice man.  He couldn’t quite figure out what was happening but very politely asked whoever was doing this to stop so he could give the parents information that would help their kids pass on to Junior High School.  The voice asked a few questions of the crowd and the crowd responded. The voice then hypnotized the entire crowd and possibly the other boy, but not me.  While the entire crowd and principal were frozen, I walked to the front, in front of the seats and observed the windowed saucer as the voice was speaking.   Then the voice lowered his volume and eventually faded into silence…and the windowed saucer faded from view.   The crowd recovered and the principal finished his speech. He wished everyone the best in the upcoming seventh grade semester. 

My parents and I then calmly left the auditorium with the others.   I don’t fully recall at this time but as we left I do recall a few words were spoken about what had happened.


Like many other experiences: there are so many things I could conjecture from this one, I would have to write another book!

What in the world was the UFO intelligence or were the UFO intelligences trying to accomplish?   Was it – is it one or more than one intelligence?   What was it or were they doing and  who was it or were they interested in?  Was it just me and possibly the other young boy?   Or was it the entire crowd?   Or was it at times just the other boy, then just me, then the entire crowd?   Or was it all of us individually at different times all of the time?   Is time malleable?

Considering the split second timing of the words spoken by all of us, the voice had to know what we all were thinking…all of the time, instant by instant, in the auditorium…and possibly elsewhere at other times, all of the time?

Etc!!! I can’t write another book at this time!      To the reader: Think about it carefully and analyze it as best you can.

Multiply this one by hundreds or thousands!    …or millions!

Where do we go from here?   I recall many more experiences like this one!

The overall answers are not easy nor simple.     Or the one prominent answer is very simple!


It’s interesting — if it was the young boy I believe it was — he graduated from High School after he finished 8th grade or ninth grade, and he was accepted into the University of Nebraska as a Freshman.   He was extremely intelligent.

A friend and I, on the other hand, barely passed physics and chemistry as seniors in high school.  However, we scored record highs on the entrance exam for the University Of Nebraska…and we were placed in advanced math and chemistry classes…we also scored high in physics.   However, our math and chemistry professors didn’t really know how to teach, but other professors later properly taught us well.    I had further problems at the university (which is another complex story itself). But I later very successfully worked on a few of the most advanced research and development projects of that time.   I often wonder if all of my so-called UFO encounters had anything to do with that.     (See Personal History on 22/ .)

Read more: The windowed saucer interrupts school principal’s talk to students’ parents

About jafos

I am a 87 year old retired research and development electro/mechanical engineer with experience in the nuclear, aerospace, fluidic, civil and commercial fields…home builder, general contractor, artist, lecturer, author.

Up until 1986, at age 48, I could recall some strange things that had occurred from my very early childhood…but I really couldn’t understand them. Then in late 1986 through early 1987, in a very short time, I recalled, in extreme detail, an enormous number of so-called UFO encounters that had occurred throughout my life. Needless to say, I became almost totally devastated; my entire life was turned up-side down.

A few witnesses have since recalled some of what I recalled, enough to convince me and them I am not psychotic or imaginative. In other words, believe it or not these unbelievable things actually happened.

I have spent the last 30 years researching, writing and trying to understand. As a result of my intense efforts, I now can offer you three books and a website ( to help you and humankind try to understand some of the hidden mysteries of life and UFOs.

The mysterious intelligences connected to my encounters have told me that they are “the monitors and Keepers of the earth” and are responsible to a hierarchy that includes “the arch angels Michael and Gabriel,” who are responsible to the entity we have know as “Christ,” who is in charge of this corner of our immense complex universe.

They explained further that they are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of humankind except at certain times, when things are going awry or are dangerous. They said this is one of those times, one of those eras. They continued to state that if they hadn’t interfered in the past, we would have destroyed ourselves…and that if they don’t interfere now and in the future, we will indeed destroy ourselves.

Strictly for your own benefit, take a look at the information here on and read the books I’ve written in order to understand in some detail what this is all about. The website and books can give you insight into how so-called UFO encounters have affected our sciences, religions, and history…and how they most likely will affect our future.

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