Weekly Bestsellers, 11 March 2024 – Locus Online


Weekly Bestsellers, 11 March 2024 – Locus Online

Title Debut / #wks on any list NYT
03.03 PW
03.11 Amz
(03.11) UK:
Amz UK
(03.11) Canada:
(03.11) Items on list -x- number of lists surveyed 10×3 10×2 150 15×3 100 100 100 Hardcovers Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts 02.26.24 / 2 132 + Ascher, Sanctuary of the Shadow 01.22.24 / 8 xxx.. xxx.. 22 -3 Aster, Nightbane 11.20.23 / 17 7 = xxx.. xxx.. Broadbent, The Serpent & the Wings of Night 12.18.23 / 13 xxx.. xxx.. 23 -2 Chambers, A Psalm for the Wild-Built 02.12.24 / 2 110 + Ciccarelli, Heartless Hunter 03.04.24 / 2 8 -3 Collins, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes 04.13.20 / 85 xxx.. 15 = xxx.. xxx.. xxx.. Faizal, A Tempest of Tea 03.04.24 / 2 6 -5 119 -59 x Herbert, Dune 10.25.21 / 8 xxx.. xxx.. 27 -21 Jensen, A Fate Inked in Blood 03.11.24 / 1 3 ++ 3 ++ Kingfisher, What Moves the Dead 07.25.22 / 11 120 -96 xxx.. Maas, House of Flame and Shadow 08.28.23 / 21 8 -4 xxx 99 -61 7 -3 xxx xx x Paolini, Murtagh 10.30.23 / 20 5 +1 xxx.. 25 -3 xxx.. xxx.. Park, Snowglobe 03.11.24 / 1 9 ++ Poranek, Where the Dark Stands Still 03.11.24 / 1 4 ++ 16 ++ Roberts, Powerless 11.20.23 / 17 1 +1 76 -27 2 +4 xxx.. 61 +1 x Ross, Divine Rivals 04.17.23 / 34 2 +1 x 8 +2 xxx.. xxx.. Ross, Ruthless Vows 01.01.24 / 11 3 +1 xxx.. 11 +3 xxx.. xxx.. Yarros, Fourth Wing 05.15.23 / 44 4 -2 4 + 13 -8 4 -2 12 -3 x 24 = Yarros, Iron Flame 06.19.23 / 39 5 -2 8 = 22 -3 5 -2 19 -6 x 19 +4 Title Debut / #wks on any list NYT
03.03 PW
03.11 Amz
(03.11) UK:
Amz UK
(03.11) Canada:
(03.11) Paperbacks [tpb=trade] Adeyemi, Children of Blood and Bone [tpb] 03.11.24 / 1 23 ++ Aster, Lightlark [tpb] 11.20.23 / 15 xxx.. xxx.. 17 +2 Gillig, One Dark Window [tpb] 11.06.23 / 13 118 -53 Haig, The Midnight Library [tpb] 05.22.23 / 42 xxx.. 5 +1 xxx.. 22 + xxx.. xxx.. xxx.. Herbert, Children of Dune 03.30.03 / 7 xxx.. 94 + Herbert, Dune 03.30.03 / 81 xxx.. 47 + xxx.. 3 +3 4 -1 x Herbert, Dune [tpb] 11.01.21 / 19 2 + xxx.. xxx.. xxx.. Herbert, Dune Messiah 03.30.03 / 17 xxx.. xxx.. 16 -4 77 -66 11 +6 Herbert, Frank Herbert’s Dune Saga 3-Book Boxed Set 08.08.22 / 3 xxx.. 14 -11 Herbert, Frank Herbert’s Dune Saga 6-Book Boxed Set [tpb] 03.04.24 / 2 30 +26 13 ++ Kuang, Babel [tpb] 09.11.23 / 16 xxx.. xxx.. 113 + xxx.. Kuang, Yellowface [tpb] 09.18.23 / 7 123 ++ xxx.. xxx.. Maas, A Court of Frost and Starlight [tpb] 04.10.23 / 35 xxx.. 57 -6 42 +1 56 +16 xx Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury [tpb] 05.14.18 / 125 xxx 21 +1 22 +2 30 = 85 -12 Maas, A Court of Silver Flames [tpb] 09.12.22 / 69 5 +1 52 -9 xxx.. 54 -5 57 +16 Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses [tpb] 05.16.16 / 156 xxx.. 1 +1 5 -2 xxx.. 13 -5 19 = 18 -11 Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses Paperback Box Set 06.19.23 / 36 140 + 21 -4 xxx 3 -1 Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin [tpb] 05.14.18 / 83 x 41 -4 xxx.. 39 -10 46 -5 x Maas, Crown of Midnight [tpb] 02.27.23 / 17 112 +22 xx xxx Maas, House of Earth and Blood [tpb] 03.15.21 / 23 11 -2 xxx 68 + xxx.. xxx.. xx Maas, House of Sky and Breath [tpb] 10.09.23 / 23 xxx.. 13 +1 xxx.. Maas, The Assassin’s Blade [tpb] 02.27.23 / 22 114 -6 xx xxx.. Maas, Throne of Glass [tpb] 02.27.23 / 39 xxx 50 -5 xx 96 -23 xx Miller, Circe [tpb] 09.06.21 / 88 xxx.. xxx.. 32 + Miller, The Song of Achilles [tpb] 09.06.21 / 101 xxx.. 9 + xxx.. xxx.. xxx.. xxx.. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (UK) 62 -44 Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone [tpb] 07.09.18 / 118 xxx.. 22 +3 Rowling, Harry Potter Box Set: The Complete Collection (UK) [tpb] 03.23.15 / 379 xxx.. 65 +3 VanderMeer, Annihilation [tpb] 03.03.14 / 10 xxx.. xxx.. 128 + xxx.. xxx.. Wells, The Book of Ile-Rien: The Element of Fire & The Death of the Necromancer [tpb] 03.11.24 / 1 121 ++ Title Debut / #wks on any list NYT
03.03 PW
03.11 Amz
(03.11) UK:
Amz UK
(03.11) Canada:
(03.11) This cell color indicates rankings on children’s bestsellers lists This cell color indicates rankings of books based on pre-publication sales [Italics and brackets, and/or this cell color, indicate stale data — rankings from one or more weeks before — and do not contribute to the cumulative weeks on any list totals]

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