Worlds Beyond


Worlds Beyond


Worlds Beyond offers Starfinder Game Masters a guide to over 30 new planets and locations to explore, each designed to seamlessly integrate into any campaign. Whether you’re docking at a floating stone head that might be the remnant of a god, navigating the fog-covered shores of a world where lighthouses fend off vampire hordes, or getting caught in the crossfire of a planet split into two warring dimensions, these richly detailed settings are perfect for quick stopovers or epic, multi-session adventures.


Worlds Beyond also introduces more than 10 brand-new alien species, from the inventive, four-armed Tectians to the terrifying, genocidal Gravikin. Encounter the cyberpunk fey known as Myzengers or try to survive the mind-warping horror of the Conceptual Basilisk.


These worlds and creatures are waiting for your crew to explore, encounter, and conquer in Worlds Beyond.




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Pathfinder Infinite


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