Module:ArchiveAccess/TORweb: Difference between revisions | Wookieepedia


Module:ArchiveAccess/TORweb: Difference between revisions | Wookieepedia

Module documentation follows
Note: the module above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Module:ArchiveAccess/TORweb/doc to edit this documentation.

This module’s subpage serves as a centralized location for archivedate values on {{TORweb}} entries. It can still be overridden by using archivedate= or archiveurl= on {{TORweb}}, but if neither of those values is given, this subpage will provide a default archivedate.

local p = {}

p.knownArchiveDates = {
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	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20120525"] = "20230426005859",
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20130220"] = "20191117212640", -- game update 2.0 is now live on pts!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20130628"] = "20190724075406", -- game update 2.3 is now live on pts!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20130816"] = "20151009160733", -- game update 2.4 is now live on pts!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20140110"] = "20180330020050", -- game update 2.6 is now live on pts!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20140224"] = "20180330020650", -- game update 2.7 is now live on pts!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20140501"] = "20180330020530", -- game update 2.8 is live on pts!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20190612"] = "20210516065254", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet the swtor escape pod cast
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20200728"] = "20200923200534", -- ranked season 13 begins
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20230629"] = "20230630160720", -- swtor in-game events for july 2023
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20230710"] = "20230717192514", -- PvP Season 3 “Reign of Glory”
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20230711"] = "20230711195623", -- get ready for the nar shaddaa nightlife event!
	["info/news/%5bnews-category%5d/20230717"] = "20230717195525", -- PvP Season 3 “Reign of Glory”
	["info/news/article/20140212"] = "20191117211654", -- get your own lucky-77 swoop speeder for being a subscriber!
	["info/news/article/20140423"] = "20191118232857", -- producer letter — galactic strongholds
	["info/news/article/20140909"] = "20180330125108", -- legacy of the rakata flashpoint now live!
	["info/news/article/20141209"] = "20170708121135", -- new shadow of revan launch trailer
	["info/news/article/20141210"] = "20180330020530", -- third anniversary promotion
	["info/news/article/20141216"] = "20170106130619", -- join the festive life day event!
	["info/news/article/20150428"] = "20170106175040", -- rise of the emperor trailer
	["info/news/article/20150615"] = "20191118072103", -- announcing knights of the fallen empire
	["info/news/article/20180227"] = "20200928053935", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of february 26, 2018
	["info/news/article/20180420"] = "20201109004827", -- the izax challenge ends april 30th
	["info/news/article/20181121"] = "20201108111307", -- a sit-down with master mode gods from the machine
	["info/news/article/20181122"] = "20201111184449", -- #swtor cartel market galactic blowout: thursday, november 22
	["info/news/article/20181122-0"] = "20201108092406", -- #swtor cartel market galactic blowout: friday, november 23
	["info/news/article/20190212"] = "20200808061111", -- 'the wretched hive' update – play now!
	["info/news/article/20190222"] = "20200127182328", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20190301"] = "20200129065134", -- swtor in-game events for march
	["info/news/article/20190304"] = "20201108003725", -- galactic spring sale: week of march 4
	["info/news/article/20190312"] = "20201108000323", -- game update 5.10.2 'heralds of victory' is coming!
	["info/news/article/20190319"] = "20201108003555", -- under the hood with swtor
	["info/news/article/20190402"] = "20200128051332", -- swtor in-game events for april
	["info/news/article/20190404"] = "20190918161709", -- game update 5.10.3 "the dantooine" incursion"" has been announced!
	["info/news/article/20190409"] = "20190410032725", -- meet swtorista!
	["info/news/article/20190410"] = "20190909151426", -- introduction to guild heraldry
	["info/news/article/20190411"] = "20190915050210", -- game update 5.10.2 “heralds of victory” is live!
	["info/news/article/20190413"] = "20191117211747", -- announcing 'onslaught", the newest expansion coming to star wars™: the old republic™
	["info/news/article/20190430"] = "20191003034532", -- celebrate may the 4th!
	["info/news/article/20190502"] = "20200729162354", -- swtor in-game events for may—rakghoul resurgence on corellia
	["info/news/article/20190503"] = "20190918161715", -- dantooine tactical report
	["info/news/article/20190508"] = "20190511232925", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet vulkk!
	["info/news/article/20190514"] = "20190907212259", -- new in-game event - the pirate incursion
	["info/news/article/20190603"] = "20190906135938", -- swtor in-game events for june
	["info/news/article/20190603-0"] = "20201108002633", -- the spoils of war
	["info/news/article/20190604"] = "20190924180627", -- game update 5.10.3 ""the dantooine incursion"" is live!
	["info/news/article/20190606"] = "20191002144341", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20190612"] = "20220324124142", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet the swtor escape pod cast
	["info/news/article/20190618"] = "20201010184745", -- nar shaddaa nightlife returns
	["info/news/article/20190620"] = "20201107231022", -- upcoming free-to-play and preferred changes
	["info/news/article/20190701"] = "20200117092031", -- swtor in-game events for july
	["info/news/article/20190716"] = "20200808201509", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20190722"] = "20190723084351", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet kid-lee!
	["info/news/article/20190723-2"] = "20201107223643", -- first round of onslaught pts
	["info/news/article/20190730"] = "20200130180655", -- the making of onderon
	["info/news/article/20190801"] = "20190907132002", -- swtor in-game events for august
	["info/news/article/20190823"] = "20200129065256", -- the making of mek-sha
	["info/news/article/20190826"] = "20201107224759", -- onslaught expansion launches worldwide on…
	["info/news/article/20190827"] = "20200808202451", -- new subscriber reward: nautolan species
	["info/news/article/20190829"] = "20201107232308", -- onslaught pts: round two
	["info/news/article/20190830"] = "20200729162633", -- swtor in-game events for september
	["info/news/article/20190904"] = "20190907130928", -- behind the scenes of world design
	["info/news/article/20190917"] = "20190918074841", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet xam xam
	["info/news/article/20190925"] = "20200130060020", -- a day in the life of sorcerers and sages
	["info/news/article/20190927"] = "20200129215658", -- a day in the life of assassins and shadows
	["info/news/article/20191001"] = "20191223162611", -- ranked season 11 pvp rewards
	["info/news/article/20191002"] = "20200122182022", -- swtor in-game events for october
	["info/news/article/20191002-0"] = "20200214130224", -- a day in the life of mercenaries and commandos
	["info/news/article/20191002-1"] = "20200804174623", -- onslaught pts: round three
	["info/news/article/20191004"] = "20200214130231", -- a day in the life of powertechs and vanguards
	["info/news/article/20191010"] = "20200804031902", -- a day in the life of operatives and scoundrels
	["info/news/article/20191011"] = "20200920170943", -- a day in the life of snipers and gunslingers
	["info/news/article/20191017"] = "20200920181703", -- a day in the life of marauders and sentinels
	["info/news/article/20191021"] = "20200924220929", -- a day in the life of juggernauts and guardians
	["info/news/article/20191104"] = "20200111020043", -- swtor in-game events for november
	["info/news/article/20191112"] = "20191211101003", -- claim your free mini-pet to celebrate ''star wars'' jedi: fallen order's launch
	["info/news/article/20191114"] = "20200807161259", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20191202"] = "20200101110540", -- swtor in-game events for december
	["info/news/article/20191212"] = "20200215075631", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20191220"] = "20200320093943", -- happy 8-year anniversary from star wars: the old republic
	["info/news/article/20200103"] = "20200210042335", -- swtor in-game events for january
	["info/news/article/20200116"] = "20200331173239", -- now on pts: the alderaan noble estate
	["info/news/article/20200129"] = "20200331173246", -- new subscriber reward: umbaran patrol tauntaun
	["info/news/article/20200131"] = "20200227210213", -- swtor in-game events for february
	["info/news/article/20200213"] = "20200227210202", -- game update 6.1 'pinnacles of power' is live!
	["info/news/article/20200213-0"] = "20200305213016", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20200227"] = "20200920182554", -- the alderaan noble estate part 1: formation
	["info/news/article/20200305"] = "20200326232200", -- swtor in-game events for march
	["info/news/article/20200305-0"] = "20200507014454", -- game update 6.1.1 now on pts!
	["info/news/article/20200306"] = "20200427083128", -- the alderaan noble estate part 2: functionality
	["info/news/article/20200401"] = "20200507084521", -- swtor in-game events for april
	["info/news/article/20200421"] = "20200516094630", -- game update 6.1.1 is live!
	["info/news/article/20200421-0"] = "20200921061207", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20200502"] = "20200622164631", -- swtor in-game events for may
	["info/news/article/20200504"] = "20200622120252", -- celebrate may the 4th!
	["info/news/article/20200508"] = "20201021130305", -- the all worlds ultimate swoop rally is now on pts!
	["info/news/article/20200602"] = "20200626052114", -- swtor in-game events for june
	["info/news/article/20200610"] = "20200619080043", -- ranked season 12 pvp rewards
	["info/news/article/20200612"] = "20200814030110", -- the all worlds ultimate swoop rally
	["info/news/article/20200624"] = "20201021122508", -- game update 6.1.2 is live!
	["info/news/article/20200624-0"] = "20200825200554", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/article/20200708"] = "20200808100007", -- swtor in-game events for july
	["info/news/article/20200721"] = "20200928065358", -- swtor is on steam!
	["info/news/article/20200803"] = "20200923195221", -- swtor in-game events for august
	["info/news/article/20200819"] = "20201003054809", -- steam-inspired login reward and shae vizla returns!
	["info/news/article/20200901"] = "20200920114042", -- swtor in-game events for september
	["info/news/article/20200909"] = "20201007111911", -- game update 6.1.3 is live!
	["info/news/article/20200909-0"] = "20200909194016", -- cartel market additions: game update 6.1.3
	["info/news/article/20200922"] = "20201020091728", -- the feast of prosperity is now on pts!
	["info/news/article/20201002"] = "20201101101531", -- claim your free mini-pet to celebrate the star wars™: squadrons launch!
	["info/news/article/20201006"] = "20201020140857", -- swtor in-game events for october
	["info/news/article/20201016"] = "20201109160340", -- prepare for the feast of prosperity!
	["info/news/article/20201020"] = "20201117010327", -- game update 6.1.4 is live!
	["info/news/article/20201020-0"] = "20190830143239", -- cartel market additions: game update 6.1.4
	["info/news/article/20201103"] = "20201106044741", -- swtor in-game events for november
	["info/news/article/20201103-0"] = "20201113231759", -- behind the scenes of the feast of prosperity
	["info/news/article/20201110"] = "20210226130748", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet petertheselkath
	["info/news/article/20201112"] = "20201113231626", -- now on pts: the spirit of vengeance flashpoint, login rewards, and emote window!
	["info/news/article/20201124"] = "20201128001554", -- the making of gear inspired by “the mandalorian”
	["info/news/article/20201127"] = "20201205002712", -- new category wide sales on the cartel market!
	["info/news/article/20201201"] = "20201208065732", -- swtor in-game events for december
	["info/news/article/20201204"] = "20201215213401", -- login rewards and emote window - coming soon in game update 6.2.
	["info/news/article/20201209"] = "20201215213349", -- game update 6.2 'echoes of vengeance' is live!
	["info/news/article/20201209-0"] = "20201215213237", -- cartel market additions: game update 6.2
	["info/news/article/20210106"] = "20210126051042", -- swtor in-game events for january
	["info/news/article/20210108"] = "20210126080615", -- game update 6.2.1 is now on pts!
	["info/news/article/20210114"] = "20210121200014", -- get your own star wars™: squadrons inspired mount!
	["info/news/article/20210125"] = "20210126030920", -- ranked pvp season 13 rewards
	["info/news/article/20210202"] = "20210224201336", -- swtor in-game events for february
	["info/news/article/20210211"] = "20210224201323", -- game update 6.2.1 brings amplifier changes!
	["info/news/article/20210212"] = "20210212205510", -- behind the scenes of uprisings
	["info/news/article/20210301"] = "20210303205557", -- swtor in-game events for march
	["info/news/article/20210302"] = "20210303205545", -- game update 6.2.1 is live!
	["info/news/article/20210302-0"] = "20210303210515", -- cartel market additions: game update 6.2.1
	["info/news/article/20210318"] = "20210318221827", -- welcome to galactic seasons!
	["info/news/article/20210322"] = "20210323234304", -- now on pts: the secrets of the enclave flashpoint and galactic seasons!
	["info/news/article/20210413"] = "20210413195519", -- ""quite a story to tell""
	["info/news/article/20210423"] = "20210427191952", -- behind the scenes of the “secrets of the enclave” flashpoint part 1: gameplay
	["info/news/article/20210426-1"] = "20210428062224", -- galactic season 1: the stranger from kubindi
	["info/news/article/20210427"] = "20210427171705", -- game update 6.3 'the dark descent' is live!
	["info/news/article/20210427-0"] = "20210428190054", -- cartel market additions: game update 6.3
	["info/news/article/20210430-0"] = "20210505094654", -- celebrate may the 4th, 2021!
	["info/news/article/20210520"] = "20210521224919", -- behind the scenes of “secrets of the enclave” flashpoint, part 2: story
	["info/news/article/20210525"] = "20210525175645", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet aviriia
	["info/news/article/20210730"] = "20210730194024", -- intelligence report: historical analysis of manaan
	["info/news/article/20210906-0"] = "20210914212706", -- the community content creators of swtor - meet kogass
	["info/news/article/20210908"] = "20210927004705", -- behind the scenes look at swtor: system design
	["info/news/article/20210915"] = "20210915190436", -- now on pts: first look at the sorcerer and assassin combat styles!
	["info/news/article/20210921"] = "20210921181249", -- the “best view in swtor” contest
	["info/news/article/20211001"] = "20211001183947", -- swtor in-game events for october
	["info/news/article/20211001-0"] = "20211001190614", -- mission abstract: investigate link between darth malgus and the planet elom
	["info/news/article/20211008"] = "20211008174742", -- now on pts: first look at the mercenary, powertech, juggernaut, and marauder combat styles!
	["info/news/article/20211008-0"] = "20211008201742", -- cosplay kits: lana beniko
	["info/news/article/20211027"] = "20211027183452", -- introducing legendary items!
	["info/news/article/20211029"] = "20211029162831", -- now on pts: first look at the sage, vanguard, and scoundrel combat styles!
	["info/news/article/20211102"] = "20211102203452", -- itemization in 7.0
	["info/news/article/20211103"] = "20211103171516", -- facing down the r-4 anomaly operation
	["info/news/article/20211104"] = "20211104190453", -- star wars™: the old republic - the story so far
	["info/news/article/20211105"] = "20211105154453", -- swtor in-game events for november
	["info/news/article/20211110"] = "20211110212454", -- now on pts: veteran mode for flashpoint: elom
	["info/news/article/20211118"] = "20211118204911", -- legacy of the sith story livestream recap
	["info/news/article/20211122-0"] = "20211122222920", -- ranked pvp season 14 rewards
	["info/news/article/20211123"] = "20211123174944", -- best view in swtor winners!
	["info/news/article/20211207"] = "20211207171356", -- update on legacy of the sith
	["info/news/article/20211208"] = "20211208213224", -- now on pts: loadouts and character creation.
	["info/news/article/20211209"] = "20211209025231", -- swtor in-game events for december
	["info/news/article/20211217"] = "20211217225548", -- receive rewards for testing legacy of the sith on the pts!
	["info/news/article/20211220"] = "20211220164624", -- celebrating 10 years and looking forward
	["info/news/article/20220106"] = "20220108085211", -- swtor in-game events for january
	["info/news/article/20220127"] = "20220127164457", -- 'legacy of the sith' story teaser
	["info/news/article/20220128"] = "20220128205412", -- 7.0 pts recap!
	["info/news/article/20220202"] = "20220202045414", -- swtor in-game events for february
	["info/news/article/20220203"] = "20220203174704", -- cosplay kits: satele shan - knights of the eternal throne
	["info/news/article/20220204"] = "20220204195522", -- legacy of the sith: digital collector’s edition
	["info/news/article/20220215"] = "20220215190751", -- galactic seasons 2: ‘shadows of the underworld’
	["info/news/article/20220215-0"] = "20220215190809", -- the ‘legacy of the sith’ expansion is live!
	["info/news/article/20220215-1"] = "20220215190726", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.0
	["info/news/article/20220301"] = "20220301185638", -- swtor in-game events for march
	["info/news/article/20220302"] = "20220302193932", -- r-4 anomaly operation now on pts
	["info/news/article/20220307"] = "20220309023458", -- swtor galactic season objectives: march 8th - april 5th
	["info/news/article/20220331"] = "20220401195924", -- swtor in-game events for april
	["info/news/article/20220405"] = "20220405205943", -- swtor galactic season objectives: april 5th - may 3rd
	["info/news/article/20220426"] = "20220426170319", -- game update 7.0.2 brings weapons in outfitter!
	["info/news/article/20220427"] = "20220427041403", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.0.2
	["info/news/article/20220429"] = "20220429221404", -- swtor in-game events for may
	["info/news/article/20220502"] = "20220502213317", -- swtor galactic season objectives: may 3rd - june 7th
	["info/news/article/20220502-0"] = "20220502215314", -- celebrate may the 4th in the old republic
	["info/news/article/20220601"] = "20220601205647", -- swtor in-game events for june
	["info/news/article/20220603"] = "20220603170218", -- new r-4 anomaly operation boss and manaan daily area now on pts
	["info/news/article/20220606"] = "20220607064322", -- swtor galactic season objectives: final weeks of season 2
	["info/news/article/20220630"] = "20220630162432", -- swtor in-game events for july
	["info/news/article/20220718"] = "20220718172232", -- game update – star wars: the old republic
	["info/news/article/20220729"] = "20220729210230", -- swtor in-game events for august
	["info/news/article/20220729-0"] = "20220729222231", -- game update 7.1 ""digging deeper"" livestream recap
	["info/news/article/20220802"] = "20220802163255", -- game update 7.1 ""digging deeper"" is live!
	["info/news/article/20220802-0"] = "20220802163331", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.1
	["info/news/article/20220802-1"] = "20220802163502", -- test your luck during the nar shaddaa nightlife event!
	["info/news/article/20220804"] = "20220804191231", -- ""all that's left"" short story
	["info/news/article/20220830"] = "20220830093305", -- swtor in-game events for september
	["info/news/article/20220929"] = "20220929193954", -- the second "best view in swtor" contest is here!
	["info/news/article/20220930"] = "20220930141221", -- swtor in-game events for october
	["info/news/article/20221018-0"] = "20221018184112", -- game update 7.1.1 is live!
	["info/news/article/20221018-1"] = "20221018180114", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.1.1
	["info/news/article/20221020"] = "20221020125112", -- galactic seasons 3: "luck of the draw"
	["info/news/article/20221028"] = "20221028123531", -- swtor in-game events for november
	["info/news/article/20221107"] = "20221107144520", -- swtor galactic season objectives: november 8th - december 6th
	["info/news/article/20221110"] = "20221110185256", -- game update 7.2 content is now on pts!
	["info/news/article/20221111"] = "20221111175339", -- game update 7.2 'showdown on ruhnuk' livestream vod
	["info/news/article/20221117"] = "20221117173645", -- "bottled fury" short story
	["info/news/article/20221130"] = "20221130173050", -- swtor in-game events for december
	["info/news/article/20221205"] = "20221205142350", -- swtor galactic season objectives: december 6th - january 10th
	["info/news/article/20221209"] = "20221209161351", -- pvp revamp with game update 7.2
	["info/news/article/20221209-0"] = "20221209204351", -- "snare" short story
	["info/news/article/20221212"] = "20221212171353", -- best view in swtor 2022 winners!
	["info/news/article/20221213"] = "20221213155346", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.2
	["info/news/article/20221213-0"] = "20221213155353", -- game update 7.2 "showdown on ruhnuk" is live!
	["info/news/article/20221220"] = "20221220192443", -- 11 years with star wars: the old republic
	["info/news/article/20221220-0"] = "20221220200505", -- star wars: the old republic in 64-bit on pts!
	["info/news/article/20221230"] = "20221230151829", -- swtor in-game events for january
	["info/news/article/20230109"] = "20230109142015", -- swtor galactic season objectives: january 10th - february 7th
	["info/news/article/20230131"] = "20230131135102", -- swtor in-game events for february
	["info/news/article/20230206"] = "20230206150212", -- swtor galactic season objectives: final weeks of season 3 (february 7th - march 7th 2023)
	["info/news/article/20230209"] = "20230209190509", -- game update 7.2.1 is coming to the public test server!
	["info/news/article/20230228"] = "20230228150207", -- swtor in-game events for march
	["info/news/article/20230324"] = "20230324181603", -- pvp season 2 "piercing the veil"
	["info/news/article/20230328"] = "20230328162439", -- galactic season 4 “a passage of peace”
	["info/news/article/20230328-0"] = "20230328182234", -- game update 7.2.1 is live!
	["info/news/article/20230328-1"] = "20230328183146", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.2.1
	["info/news/article/20230330"] = "20230330162114", -- star wars™: the old republic™ to open test server hosted on the cloud!
	["info/news/article/20230331"] = "20230331122523", -- swtor in-game events for april
	["info/news/article/20230426"] = "20230426155044", -- swtor galactic season objectives: may 2nd - june 6th
	["info/news/article/20230426-0"] = "20230426155510", -- swtor in-game events for may
	["info/news/article/20230428"] = "20230428144214", -- celebrate the launch of ''star Wars jedi'': survivor™ with a free mini-pet!
	["info/news/article/20230503-0"] = "20230503192107", -- celebrate may the 4th in the old republic
	["info/news/article/20230503"] = "20230503202109", -- game update 7.3 "old wounds" livestream recap
	["info/news/article/20230504"] = "20230505155308", -- content from game update 7.3: old wounds is coming to the public test server!
	["info/news/article/20230531"] = "20230531100039", -- swtor in-game events for june
	["info/news/article/20230605"] = "20230605181037", -- swtor galactic season objectives: june 6th - july 4th
	["info/news/article/20230613"] = "20230613151124", -- game update 7.3 "old wounds" is live!
	["info/news/article/20230613-0"] = "20230613152126", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.3
	["info/news/article/20230627"] = "20230627161323", -- studio update - star wars™: the old republic™
	["info/news/article/20230630"] = "20230630161908", -- swtor in-game events for july 2023
	["info/news/article/20230703"] = "20230703171102", -- swtor galactic season objectives: final weeks of season 4 (july 4th - august 15th)
	["info/news/article/20230717"] = "20230717200535", -- pvp season 3 "reign of glory"
	["info/news/20230711"] = "20230711180717", -- get ready for the nar shaddaa nightlife event!
	["info/news/20230717"] = "20230717190508", -- pvp season 3 "reign of glory"
	["info/news/20230731-0"] = "20230731171651", -- in-game events for august 2023
	["info/news/article/press-release-001"] = "20121101151042", -- press release
	["info/news/awards"] = "20190918161943", -- awards
	["info/news/blog/20101231"] = "20190623061125", -- developer blogs: cinematic design
	["info/news/blog/20110204"] = "20190722234924", -- building flashpoints
	["info/news/blog/20110225"] = "20190102224503", -- living the life of a live producer
	["info/news/blog/20110408"] = "20190909025430", -- advanced classes update
	["info/news/blog/20110506"] = "20190816003828", -- developer blog: introducing the codex
	["info/news/blog/20110909"] = "20221127012205", -- stepping into a larger world: the old republic in comics and novels
	["info/news/blog/20110923"] = "20191117213902", -- companion characters update – part 1
	["info/news/blog/20111213-0"] = "20120508200347", -- welcome to star wars: the old republic!
	["info/news/blog/20111223"] = "20180330015737", -- from ray and greg: thank you for playing!
	["info/news/blog/20120329"] = "20191117213438", -- your legacy begins
	["info/news/blog/20120731"] = "20200322094934", -- announcing a free-to-play option
	["info/news/blog/20120830"] = "20180330020004", -- developer update – terror from beyond
	["info/news/blog/20120917"] = "20121008092613", -- server consolidation
	["info/news/blog/20120917-0"] = "20190123031510", -- developer update: shadow optimizations in game update 1.4
	["info/news/blog/20121001"] = "20191016095351", -- companions 101: kaliyo djannis
	["info/news/blog/20121002"] = "20180330124939", -- announcing the ''star wars'': the old republic community cantina tour!
	["info/news/blog/20121029"] = "20190826014013", -- foliage translucency in game update 1.5
	["info/news/blog/20121101"] = "20181004231953", -- meet the developers: hall hood
	["info/news/blog/20121102"] = "20191020083422", -- community developer blog: hk-51 classified intel
	["info/news/blog/20121107"] = "20191020073223", -- developer update: free-to-play option
	["info/news/blog/20121114"] = "20181004234756", -- developer update: section x and hk-51 missions in game update 1.5
	["info/news/blog/20121115"] = "20130515135125", -- welcome to game update 1.5: hk-51 activated
	["info/news/blog/20121127"] = "20191020073816", -- developer update: ancient hypergate
	["info/news/blog/20121129"] = "20190915043442", -- companions 101: vette
	["info/news/blog/20130116"] = "20190922032453", -- companions 101: aric jorgan
	["info/news/blog/20130205"] = "20191227143746", -- game update 1.7 developer blog: galactic reputation
	["info/news/blog/20130211"] = "20180330125001", -- game update 1.7 developer blog: relics of the gree event
	["info/news/blog/20130212"] = "20180330125427", -- welcome to game update 1.7: return of the gree
	["info/news/blog/20130307"] = "20191118225001", -- developer update: overview of the planet makeb
	["info/news/blog/20130308"] = "20170214200646", -- developer blog: the art of makeb
	["info/news/blog/20130313"] = "20180330020242", -- developer blog: cartel reputation
	["info/news/blog/20130313-0"] = "20191118030046", -- cartel market shipment two: the contraband packs
	["info/news/blog/20130318"] = "20190804143937", -- companions 101: mako
	["info/news/blog/20130326"] = "20181005022417", -- developer update: legions of scum and villainy
	["info/news/blog/20130403"] = "20190925080824", -- developer update: legacy achievements
	["info/news/blog/20130404"] = "20181005013538", -- sis intel report: key locations overview of the planet makeb
	["info/news/blog/20130408"] = "20181004232006", -- imperial intelligence report: persons of interest on makeb
	["info/news/blog/20130409"] = "20181003121255", -- welcome to the digital expansion: rise of the hutt cartel and game update 2.0: scum and villainy
	["info/news/blog/20130411"] = "20181003120348", -- developer update: macrobinoculars
	["info/news/blog/20130411-0"] = "20170510172643", -- developer update: seeker droid
	["info/news/blog/20130412"] = "20181005003712", -- developer update: galactic solutions industries
	["info/news/blog/20130418-0"] = "20180330020710", -- developer update: trooper class changes
	["info/news/blog/20130422"] = "20191118030422", -- vice commandant's contraband pack
	["info/news/blog/20130514"] = "20190616190636", -- welcome to game update 2.1: customization
	["info/news/blog/20130611"] = "20191118031311", -- archon's contraband pack
	["info/news/blog/20130627"] = "20170214200933", -- companions 101: corso riggs
	["info/news/blog/20130628"] = "20190809044124", -- facilities: take a virtual tour
	["info/news/blog/20130705"] = "20191118231721", -- bounty contract week
	["info/news/blog/20130708"] = "20190807105534", -- a letter from special executive rasmus blys
	["info/news/blog/20130716"] = "20190804125528", -- work with pride. work with czerka
	["info/news/blog/20130729"] = "20190804200439", -- cz-198 and the state of czerka corporation
	["info/news/blog/20130802"] = "20190804114843", -- cz-198 — meet the staff
	["info/news/blog/20130808"] = "20190811072439", -- developer update: color palette upgrade in game update 2.3
	["info/news/blog/20130812"] = "20191118182209", -- developer update: warzone arenas
	["info/news/blog/20130819"] = "20180330015852", -- freelancer's bounty pack
	["info/news/blog/20130826"] = "20191118231905", -- holonet news exclusive interview: baron deathmark
	["info/news/blog/20130906"] = "20181004234325", -- holonet news exclusive interview: baron deathmark, part 2
	["info/news/blog/20130913"] = "20190922203611", -- a record of the dread masters
	["info/news/blog/20131001"] = "20180330125140", -- welcome to game update 2.4: the dread war
	["info/news/blog/20131001-0"] = "20180330125250", -- the search for oricon
	["info/news/blog/20131003"] = "20170702180946", -- pursuer's bounty pack
	["info/news/blog/20131018"] = "20190915044616", -- galactic starfighter development, introduction: part i
	["info/news/blog/20131107"] = "20191118232131", -- pvp season one blog
	["info/news/blog/20131118"] = "20190804151608", -- developer update: scout class starfighter
	["info/news/blog/20131120"] = "20190830140630", -- developer update: strike fighter class starfighter
	["info/news/blog/20131122"] = "20180330020632", -- developer update: gunship class starfighter
	["info/news/blog/20131125"] = "20191118232317", -- developer update: requisition and upgrades
	["info/news/blog/20131126"] = "20180330015755", -- holonet news exclusive interview: baron deathmark
	["info/news/blog/20131127"] = "20191118232318", -- developing a level for galactic starfighter
	["info/news/blog/20131202"] = "20191118232311", -- developer update: galactic starfighter crew members
	["info/news/blog/20131202-0"] = "20191118232320", -- galactic starfighter development, introduction: part ii
	["info/news/blog/20131203"] = "20180330125637", -- welcome to galactic starfighter subscriber early access
	["info/news/blog/20131216"] = "20191220203409", -- imperial edict gr-1nc4
	["info/news/blog/20131220"] = "20170512230308", -- additional personnel files
	["info/news/blog/20131220-0"] = "20190922203707", -- four more picks for you
	["info/news/blog/20140117"] = "20160601235750", -- re: kuat drive yards
	["info/news/blog/20140407"] = "20181004234340", -- state of the galaxy
	["info/news/blog/20140408"] = "20190922023953", -- welcome to game update 2.7: invasion
	["info/news/blog/20140415"] = "20191118233109", -- what's new in season two
	["info/news/blog/20140609"] = "20191118181331", -- developer update: spoils of war
	["info/news/blog/20140610"] = "20191118232952", -- welcome to game update 2.8: spoils of war!
	["info/news/blog/20140702"] = "20191118111150", -- developer update: introduction to galactic strongholds
	["info/news/blog/20140718"] = "20190922203717", -- since kotor: manaan
	["info/news/blog/20140723"] = "20191118233031", -- the story of swtor, 2014
	["info/news/blog/20140731"] = "20191118061203", -- lana beniko's journal: darth arkous
	["info/news/blog/20140808"] = "20140811043147", -- announcing end season 2 rewards
	["info/news/blog/20140814"] = "20191109204543", -- surface details
	["info/news/blog/20140819"] = "20180330125223", -- welcome to galactic strongholds early access
	["info/news/blog/20140826"] = "20191020073551", -- wanted: dead and dismantled
	["info/news/blog/20140904"] = "20191118233145", -- remnants
	["info/news/blog/20141006"] = "20191118055332", -- developer update: introduction to disciplines
	["info/news/blog/20141016"] = "20140811043147", -- ranked pvp season 3 rewards
	["info/news/blog/20141022"] = "20200318021225", -- the revanites' ascendance
	["info/news/blog/20141028"] = "20191118233340", -- bedtime on concordia
	["info/news/blog/20141201"] = "20191118233458", -- rishi: places of interest
	["info/news/blog/20141201-0"] = "20191118233459", -- raider's cove: persons of interest
	["info/news/blog/20141202"] = "20190911075804", -- welcome to shadow of revan early access!
	["info/news/blog/20150205"] = "20190426100406", -- the price of power
	["info/news/blog/20141209"] = "20210314031200",
	["info/news/blog/20150213"] = "20200318021510", -- one night in the dealer's den
	["info/news/blog/20150306"] = "20191118234215", -- the final trial
	["info/news/blog/20150318"] = "20150321000519", -- announcing the season 4 swashbuckling rewards
	["info/news/blog/20150403"] = "20191109201428", -- regrets
	["info/news/blog/20150424"] = "20191118061203", -- the sixth line: part one
	["info/news/blog/20150428"] = "20190418213025", -- the sixth line: part two
	["info/news/blog/20150512"] = "20150514165319", -- season 5 reward teaser blog
	["info/news/blog/20150622"] = "20150624013309", -- announcing end season 5 gladiatorial rewards
	["info/news/blog/20150707"] = "20191118071057", -- vacation
	["info/news/blog/20150728"] = "20191118072052", -- brothers
	["info/news/blog/20150819"] = "20150901005304", -- season 6 predacious reward teaser blog
	["info/news/blog/20150903"] = "20190915045226", -- to battle with darkness
	["info/news/blog/20150909"] = "20150912015124", -- the greatest outlaw
	["info/news/blog/20150910"] = "20150912014732", -- hidden enemies
	["info/news/blog/20150923"] = "20190917031121", -- emissary of the rift alliance
	["info/news/blog/20161027"] = "20191023195441", -- galactic command -- uprisings
	["info/news/blog/20161117"] = "20191118083507", -- a mother's hope
	["info/news/news-article/20110107"] = "20190829014313", -- biographies update!
	["info/news/news-article/20110114"] = "20191214014936", -- studio insider – starship creation
	["info/news/news-article/20110114-0"] = "20160414174333", -- ''star wars'': the old republic fan friday (january 14 2011)
	["info/news/news-article/20110121"] = "20181229081107", -- quesh: dangerous investment
	["info/news/news-article/20110128"] = "20171006181013", -- flashpoint update
	["info/news/news-article/20110211"] = "20160411205816", -- the great hyperspace war
	["info/news/news-article/20110218"] = "20190825234125", -- studio insider – sith temple
	["info/news/news-article/20110218-0"] = "20190102223418", -- ''star wars'': the old republic fan friday (february 18 2011)
	["info/news/news-article/20110304"] = "20190101194106", -- bounty hunter report
	["info/news/news-article/20110304-0"] = "20181011011253", -- pax east details revealed
	["info/news/news-article/20110304-1"] = "20190830144248", -- deceived novel trailer
	["info/news/news-article/20110309"] = "20160102151537", -- pre-launch guild program
	["info/news/news-article/20110311"] = "20181123153029", -- pax east trailer: fate of the galaxy
	["info/news/news-article/20110312"] = "20190513023936", -- taral v developer walkthrough
	["info/news/news-article/20110318"] = "20190104032943", -- studio insider: cinematic animation
	["info/news/news-article/20110318-0"] = "20190104032945", -- ''star wars'': the old republic fan friday (march 18 2011)
	["info/news/news-article/20110325"] = "20190104033142", -- jedi knight character progression
	["info/news/news-article/20110401"] = "20191223044748", -- shyriiwook localization
	["info/news/news-article/20110405"] = "20160102191058", -- pax east 2011 highlight video
	["info/news/news-article/20110415"] = "20190104034942", -- studio insider: environment polish
	["info/news/news-article/20110415-0"] = "20190104034942", -- ''star wars'': the old republic fan friday (april 15 2011)
	["info/news/news-article/20110527"] = "20210128231811", -- trooper character progression
	["info/news/news-article/20110603-0"] = "20190809042943", -- the lost suns comic now available
	["info/news/news-article/20110603-1"] = "20190809020915", -- the old republic at e3 2011
	["info/news/news-article/20110606"] = "20190922203605", -- ""return"" intro cinematic released
	["info/news/news-article/20110610-1"] = "20181111215945", -- the old republic gaming peripherals
	["info/news/news-article/20110721"] = "20190825234117", -- the old republic available for pre-order
	["info/news/news-article/20110805-0"] = "20181224100504", -- 2011 san diego comic-con highlights and wrap-up
	["info/news/news-article/20110812-0"] = "20190922024054", -- the old republic at gamescon 2011
	["info/news/news-article/20110819-0"] = "20180523093951", -- the old republic at pax 2011
	["info/news/news-article/20110924"] = "20200315113125", -- launch date for ''star wars'': the old republic announced
	["info/news/news-article/20111004"] = "20190930094754", -- beta testing weekends
	["info/news/news-article/20111007"] = "20181229230821", -- choose your side: jedi knight vs. bounty hunter
	["info/news/news-article/20111014-1"] = "20111016003913", -- global launch for the old republic
	["info/news/news-article/20111021"] = "20180520150456", -- a look inside the collector's edition
	["info/news/news-article/20111102"] = "20191117214104", -- finalize your guild now
	["info/news/news-article/20111104-0"] = "20180427193415", -- early game access details revealed
	["info/news/news-article/20111111-1"] = "20180330125742", -- beta test weekend announced
	["info/news/news-article/20111118"] = "20201111173136", -- bringing down the hammer
	["info/news/news-article/20111125"] = "20190903195519", -- jedi consular character progression
	["info/news/news-article/20111202"] = "20160703143021", -- choose your side: agent vs. consular
	["info/news/news-article/20111207"] = "20190805051455", -- pre-load ''star wars'': the old republic now!
	["info/news/news-article/20120113"] = "20160102164037", -- 'kaon under siege' flashpoint
	["info/news/news-article/20120113-0"] = "20120420002855", -- game update 1.1: 'rise of the rakghouls' coming jan. 17th!
	["info/news/news-article/20120214"] = "20190906012647", -- the old republic asia pacific launch
	["info/news/news-article/20120308-0"] = "20191029131225", -- coming in game update 1.2
	["info/news/news-article/20120320"] = "20180330125806", -- join us in our next weekend pass
	["info/news/news-article/20120401"] = "20191118033248", -- live the ship droid experience!
	["info/news/news-article/20120403"] = "20180330020324", -- ''star wars'': the old republic friends trial
	["info/news/news-article/20120412-0"] = "20160102122845", -- begin your legacy with game update 1.2!
	["info/news/news-article/20120417-1"] = "20180330015946", -- take part in the next weekend pass
	["info/news/news-article/20120515"] = "20190724075711", -- join us for the next weekend pass
	["info/news/news-article/20120522"] = "20191118143058", -- coming soon to ''star wars'': the old republic
	["info/news/news-article/20120604"] = "20191117225151", -- preview exciting new reveals from e3!
	["info/news/news-article/20120612"] = "20191117213747", -- free character transfers now available on select servers
	["info/news/news-article/20120626"] = "20181102061714", -- fight with allies in game update 1.3
	["info/news/news-article/20120705"] = "20191118063737", -- earn rewards for free character transfers
	["info/news/news-article/20120710"] = "20180330125148", -- ''star wars'': the old republic friends trial reward
	["info/news/news-article/20120710-0"] = "20191121131923", -- announcing the ''star wars'': the old republic free trial
	["info/news/news-article/20120716"] = "20191118053811", -- hk-51 revealed
	["info/news/news-article/20120907"] = "20230426005621",
	["info/news/news-article/20120926"] = "20181123225846", -- game update 1.4: terror from beyond is live!
	["info/news/news-article/20121011"] = "20191020103255", -- game update 1.5: hk-51 activated is on public test server!
	["info/news/news-article/20121023"] = "20160703154447", -- companions 101: kira carsen
	["info/news/news-article/20121023-0"] = "20130208183715", -- the cartel market is now on the public test server!
	["info/news/news-article/20121108"] = "20191118054703", -- free-to-play is coming on november 15th
	["info/news/news-article/20121120"] = "20180330125110", -- game update 1.6: ancient hypergate is on public test server
	["info/news/news-article/20121203"] = "20180330020057", -- 1st anniversary fireworks are coming!
	["info/news/news-article/20121211"] = "20181202153615", -- game update 1.6: ancient hypergate is live!
	["info/news/news-article/20121220"] = "20191220203400", -- fan screenshots of the anniversary celebration!
	["info/news/news-article/20130115"] = "20190824105756", -- game update 1.7: return of the gree is coming soon!
	["info/news/news-article/20130123"] = "20180330020011", -- pre-order rise of the hutt cartel to receive exclusive new in-game items!
	["info/news/news-article/20130312"] = "20191020080150", -- get ready for new double xp weekends!
	["info/news/news-article/20130325"] = "20190117194500", -- digital expansion: rise of the hutt cartel launches april 14
	["info/news/news-article/20130426"] = "20191227160830", -- cathar preview video
	["info/news/news-article/20130517"] = "20191118231235", -- gree in-game event returns
	["info/news/news-article/20130531"] = "20190825002749", -- conquer your nightmares
	["info/news/news-article/20130723"] = "20180330125043", -- the gree are back with a new reward!
	["info/news/news-article/20130806-0"] = "20150910133750", -- game update 2.3: titans of industry trailer
	["info/news/news-article/20130910"] = "20190807100423", -- rise of the hutt cartel – free to subscribers starting september 12th!
	["info/news/news-article/20130910-0"] = "20180330015916", -- bounty contract week event - now live for players level 15 and up!
	["info/news/news-article/20130912-0"] = "20190224151830", -- join the battle now and get rewarded!
	["info/news/news-article/20131105"] = "20191115051341", -- purchase cartel coins in-game – now live!
	["info/news/news-article/20131210"] = "20180330020617", -- bounty contract week event - now live for all classes level 15 and up!
	["info/news/news-article/20131212"] = "20191118232313", -- second anniversary rewards coming december 17th!
	["info/news/news-article/20140122"] = "20190921090342", -- emergency alert: rakghoul plague outbreak on alderaan – avoid alderaan!
	["info/news/news-article/20140127"] = "20190823101124", -- flashpoint: kuat drive yards
	["info/news/news-article/20140203"] = "20191118111146", -- producer's road map 2014
	["info/news/news-article/20140219"] = "20191118182321", -- announcing end season 1 rewards
	["info/news/news-article/20140401"] = "20191118232713", -- be the weapon! be the asteroid!
	["info/news/news-article/20140428"] = "20191118232847", -- celebrate may the fourth with a new astromech droid™ and double xp!
	["info/news/news-article/20141124"] = "20200318021157", -- new ""revan returns"" trailer
	["info/news/news-article/20141126"] = "20190930003229", -- over 57 million characters created in ''star wars'': the old republic!
	["info/news/news-article/20150130"] = "20230427171214",
	["info/news/news-article/20150401"] = "20191118234438", -- go big, go small, go nowhere
	["info/news/news-article/20150709"] = "20160601231948", -- crafting the next story of ''star wars''™: the old republic
	["info/news/news-article/20160715"] = "20200329120245", -- new expansion revealed: knights of the eternal throne!
	["info/news/news-article/20161213"] = "20200808212457", -- celebrating #swtor5
	["info/news/news-article/20170124-0"] = "20170715151919", -- now live: 'defend the throne' game update
	["info/news/news-article/20170214"] = "20171006132742", -- cartel market specials: week of february 13, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170222"] = "20191118085514", -- cartel market specials: week of february 20, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170228"] = "20170727005124", -- cartel market specials: week of february 27, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170321"] = "20191109205326", -- cartel market specials: week of march 20, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170329"] = "20190925081801", -- cartel market specials: week of march 27, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170404"] = "20190830131202", -- cartel market specials: week of april 3, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170407"] = "20190906140934", -- the war for iokath: the faction battle reignites
	["info/news/news-article/20170412"] = "20190717151323", -- cartel market specials: week of april 10, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170413"] = "20191118084118", -- a note from the producer
	["info/news/news-article/20170414"] = "20191212153725", -- the war for iokath: a deadly superweapon emerges
	["info/news/news-article/20170418"] = "20180609141804", -- the war for iokath: now live!
	["info/news/news-article/20170426"] = "20170911063339", -- cartel market specials: week of april 24, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170502-1"] = "20190519232226", -- may the 4th hits the cartel market
	["info/news/news-article/20170509"] = "20190519111701", -- may the 4th hits the cartel market: final week
	["info/news/news-article/20170516"] = "20170907011351", -- steadfast champion pack hits the cartel market
	["info/news/news-article/20170523"] = "20170926201404", -- cartel market specials: week of may 22, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170530"] = "20190512232600", -- cartel market specials: week of may 29, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170531"] = "20191118090954", -- star wars™: the old republic™ - road map 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170601"] = "20190915045124", -- celebrate ea play to give in the galactic defender event
	["info/news/news-article/20170606"] = "20171022204148", -- cartel market specials: week of june 6, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170613"] = "20180109164658", -- cartel market specials: week of june 12, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170613-0"] = "20180303062756", -- kick off your 'summer of swtor'!
	["info/news/news-article/20170620"] = "20190903204037", -- cartel market specials: week of june 19, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170627"] = "20190730013731", -- strike fear on the battlefield with the dread warlord cartel pack
	["info/news/news-article/20170703"] = "20190903203342", -- cartel market specials: week of july 4, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170711-0"] = "20190915043207", -- 'sisters of carnage' update: now live
	["info/news/news-article/20170717"] = "20190918163352", -- gain the edge with the armed resistance cartel pack!
	["info/news/news-article/20170718"] = "20190915045352", -- taking on operations
	["info/news/news-article/20170725"] = "20190710013014", -- cartel market specials: week of july 25, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170801"] = "20190722190127", -- cartel market specials: week of august 1, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170804"] = "20190911080124", -- season 8 pvp rewards blog
	["info/news/news-article/20170808"] = "20171012173609", -- cartel market specials: week of august 8, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170815"] = "20200318021421", -- cartel market specials: week of august 15, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170817"] = "20191002084432", -- trading scars – a short story on umbara
	["info/news/news-article/20170818"] = "20191002081118", -- crisis on umbara: gameplay and rewards
	["info/news/news-article/20170824"] = "20190911075809", -- 'crisis on umbara' update: now live
	["info/news/news-article/20170829"] = "20190911081333", -- precious cargo pack: now live on the cartel market
	["info/news/news-article/20170905"] = "20171012030038", -- cartel market specials: week of september 5, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170912"] = "20190809032846", -- cartel market specials: week of september 12, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170918"] = "20180123111547", -- cartel market specials: week of september 19, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20170925"] = "20190830143239", -- cartel market specials: week of september 26, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20171002"] = "20191118085420", -- united forces update coming this november
	["info/news/news-article/20171002-0"] = "20191118090959", -- star wars™: the old republic™ - fall roadmap 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20171003"] = "20190918165939", -- cartel market specials: week of october 3, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20171010"] = "20190920174431", -- singularity pack: now live on the cartel market
	["info/news/news-article/20171017"] = "20190830130728", -- cartel market specials: week of october 17, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20171017-0"] = "20200301232214", -- first look: 'traitor among the chiss' teaser
	["info/news/news-article/20171021"] = "20190925082236", -- kotor hits the cartel market: part one
	["info/news/news-article/20171023"] = "20200318021459", -- celebrating the legacy of star wars™: knights of the old republic™
	["info/news/news-article/20171024"] = "20200318021216", -- the impact of kotor on swtor
	["info/news/news-article/20171026"] = "20200318021351", -- the evolution of revan
	["info/news/news-article/20171030"] = "20200318021218", -- kotor hits the cartel market: part two
	["info/news/news-article/20171102"] = "20190830132447", -- united forces rewards
	["info/news/news-article/20171108-0"] = "20190911072530", -- cartel market specials: week of november 8, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20171109"] = "20191118093256", -- get your own special forces armor
	["info/news/news-article/20171113"] = "20200318021449", -- cartel market specials: week of november 13, 2017
	["info/news/news-article/20171116"] = "20191029140741", -- chasing copero
	["info/news/news-article/20171121"] = "20191118093124", -- it's galactic sales week in the cartel market!
	["info/news/news-article/20171121-0"] = "20190902214547", -- the master's datacron
	["info/news/news-article/20171128"] = "20190922164257", -- 'a traitor among the chiss' update: now live
	["info/news/news-article/20171212"] = "20191220203358", -- new life day bundle in the cartel market
	["info/news/news-article/20180115"] = "20200130234507", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of january 15, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180123"] = "20200928061017", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of january 22, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180130"] = "20200131000105", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of january 29, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180206"] = "20200928060354", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of february 5, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180213"] = "20201109030100", -- share your love of swtor with friends – rejoin the battle in february
	["info/news/news-article/20180213-0"] = "20200219031003", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of february 12, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180220"] = "20201109030144", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of february 19, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180306"] = "20200928055727", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of march 5, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180313"] = "20200928051909", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of march 12, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180320"] = "20200923233253", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of march 19, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180320-0"] = "20201109014113", -- choose your side in the #swtorcompanionchaos celebration – starting march 20!
	["info/news/news-article/20180327"] = "20200130234822", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of march 26, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180329"] = "20190922154601", -- 'companion chaos' – the chaos is over, now it's time to celebrate!
	["info/news/news-article/20180403"] = "20201001053409", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of april 2, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180410"] = "20201026160811", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of april 9, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180417"] = "20191228230622", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of april 16, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180501"] = "20200127180738", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of may the 4th
	["info/news/news-article/20180501-0"] = "20191118050850", -- celebrate may the 4th in #swtor
	["info/news/news-article/20180508"] = "20190911070428", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of may 7, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180515"] = "20200219023705", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of may 14, 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180516"] = "20201109001750", -- star wars™: the old republic™ - summer roadmap 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180522"] = "20200216111358", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of may 21
	["info/news/news-article/20180529"] = "20190911074934", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of may 28
	["info/news/news-article/20180530"] = "20190922164742", -- celebrate ea play to give 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180605"] = "20200130233820", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of june 4
	["info/news/news-article/20180612"] = "20200322221532", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of june 11
	["info/news/news-article/20180626"] = "20200130234512", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of june 25
	["info/news/news-article/20180703"] = "20190917032950", -- #swtor cartel market specials: week of july 2
	["info/news/news-article/20180706"] = "20200519175143", -- game update 5.9.2 “galactic legend” is now live on the public test server
	["info/news/news-article/20180709"] = "20200219024843", -- #kotor15 week in the #swtor cartel market!
	["info/news/news-article/20180718"] = "20200219062839", -- season 9 ranked pvp rewards blog
	["info/news/news-article/20180801"] = "20201109035613", -- new stronghold: rishi hideout
	["info/news/news-article/20180807"] = "20200109184700", -- 'galactic legend' update: play now!
	["info/news/news-article/20180807-0"] = "20200109190510", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of august 7
	["info/news/news-article/20180814"] = "20200109185645", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of august 13
	["info/news/news-article/20180821"] = "20200219031013", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of august 20
	["info/news/news-article/20180823"] = "20200808064501", -- the star wars™: the old republic community cantina tour arrives in new york!
	["info/news/news-article/20180828"] = "20200109190524", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of august 27
	["info/news/news-article/20180831"] = "20191118041035", -- game update 5.9.3 “fame and fortune” is now live on the public test server
	["info/news/news-article/20180831-0"] = "20201109042153", -- galactic end of summer sale event!
	["info/news/news-article/20180905"] = "20201109031226", -- star wars™: the old republic™ - fall roadmap 2018
	["info/news/news-article/20180911"] = "20200219025455", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of september 11
	["info/news/news-article/20180912"] = "20201109041552", -- the star wars™: the old republic™ community cantina tour 2018 in new york cancelled
	["info/news/news-article/20180924"] = "20201109004829", -- cantina livestream coming october 11th!
	["info/news/news-article/20181002"] = "20190911074521", -- 'fame and fortune' update: play now!
	["info/news/news-article/20181018"] = "20201112020029", -- celebrate kotor's legacy in swtor and swgoh
	["info/news/news-article/20181023"] = "20200116012504", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of october 22
	["info/news/news-article/20181114"] = "20190315154811", -- new premium player reward: paxton rall companion
	["info/news/news-article/20181123-0"] = "20200130014421", -- #swtor cartel market galactic blowout: sunday, november 25
	["info/news/news-article/20181124"] = "20200128051549", -- #swtor cartel market galactic blowout: saturday, november 24
	["info/news/news-article/20181130"] = "20191117210432", -- jedi under siege: state of the galaxy
	["info/news/news-article/20181210"] = "20200120013206", -- the ancient bastion of ossus: story and gameplay
	["info/news/news-article/20181211"] = "20201108112416", -- celebrating #swtor7
	["info/news/news-article/20181211-0"] = "20190918162114", -- 'jedi under siege' update – play now!
	["info/news/news-article/20181211-1"] = "20200219062854", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of december 11
	["info/news/news-article/20181214"] = "20200219025500", -- guild leveling and perks system
	["info/news/news-article/20181219"] = "20191220203357", -- #swtor cartel market newest additions: week of december 18
	["info/news/news-article/20181220-5"] = "20200130234827", -- return of darth malgus in 'jedi under siege'
	["info/news/news-article/20190103"] = "20200127182015", -- cartel market newest additions: week of january 1st
	["info/news/news-article/20190111"] = "20191221133446", -- game update 5.10.1 is now live on the public test server
	["info/news/news-article/20190130-0"] = "20190909150917", -- season 10 ranked pvp rewards blog
	["info/news/news-article/20190207"] = "20200128051048", -- a look behind the scenes with ossus
	["info/news/news-article/20191022"] = "20201106211241", -- the onslaught expansion is live!
	["info/news/news-article/20191022-0"] = "20200814234706", -- cartel market newest additions: available now!
	["info/news/news-article/20191022-1"] = "20200804165247", -- introduction to amplifiers
	["info/news/news-article/20210714"] = "20210714210938", -- seeing red
	["info/news/press-release/20110722"] = "20180330015709", -- the old republic now available for pre-order
	["info/news/press-release/20110924"] = "20191117214153", -- press release: launch date for the old republic announced
	["info/news/press-release/20111207"] = "20180330020535", -- the old republic approaches hyperspace launch
	["info/news/press-release/20111213"] = "20191227170752", -- early game access for the old republic begins today
	["info/news/press-release/20111220"] = "20191030154222", -- ''star wars'': the old republic goes live today
	["info/news/press-release/20111223"] = "20191118141520", -- the old republic™ jumps to light speed
	["info/news/press-release/20111226"] = "20180330020535", -- momentum surges for the old republic
	["info/news/press-release/20120201"] = "20190829071440", -- the old republic™ continues meteoric rise
	["info/news/press-release/20120215"] = "20190623231913", -- landing in asia pacific
	["info/news/press-release/20120301"] = "20180330125733", -- now available in the asia pacific region
	["info/news/press-release/20120412"] = "20180330125554", -- bioware releases massive content update for star wars™: the old republic™; game update 1.2: legacy
	["info/news/press-release/20120426"] = "20180330020215", -- star wars™: the old republic™ expands to new countries in europe and the middle east
	["info/news/press-release/20120731"] = "20191117213534", -- ea expands award-winning mmo star wars™: the old republic™ with free-to-play option this fall
	["info/news/press-release/20121115"] = "20190922154455", -- ''star wars''™: the old republic™ launches free-to-play option today
	["info/news/press-release/20121218"] = "20190719135938", -- bioware announces rise of the hutt cartel, the first digital expansion for ''star wars''™: the old republic™
	["info/news/press-release/20130414"] = "20181003133059", -- bioware announces first digital expansion: rise of the hutt cartel - is now live in ''star wars'': the old republic
	["info/news/press-release/20130912"] = "20190115121431", -- ''star wars''™: the old republic™ continues to grow with new pvp warzone arenas coming in game update 2.4: the dread war
	["info/news/press-release/20131008"] = "20190828013049", -- bioware unveils galactic starfighter, the next digital expansion for ''star wars''™: the old republic™
	["info/news/press-release/20131203"] = "20181210213634", -- early access to galactic starfighter digital expansion available to ''star wars'': the old republic subscribers today
	["info/news/press-release/20140204"] = "20190713132800", -- bioware opens up the galactic starfighter digital expansion for star wars™: the old republic™ to all players starting today
	["info/news/press-release/20140319"] = "20180330125101", -- ''star wars''™: the old republic™ reveals brand-new digital expansion, galactic strongholds
	["info/news/press-release/20141006"] = "20200318021412", -- the saga continues in ''star wars'': the old republic with shadow of revan, an all-new digital expansion
	["info/news/press-release/20141209"] = "20190921090247", -- ''star wars'': the old republic launches shadow of revan digital expansion today
	["info/news/press-release/20150615"] = "20170611000055", -- bioware reveals ''star wars''™: the old republic™ digital expansion — knights of the fallen empire
	["info/news/press-release/20151020"] = "20210119044745", -- recruit your alliance in star wars™: the old republic™ – knights of the fallen empire – early access is now open
	["info/news/press-release/20160218"] = "20190804103602", -- bioware announces disavowed — coming march 10, 2016
	["info/news/press-release/20161007"] = "20190911081944", -- ‘betrayed’ cinematic trailer reveals epic new story in the next digital expansion to ''star wars''™: the old republic™
	["info/news/press-release/20161129"] = "20190804085033", -- early access now live: knights of the eternal throne
	["info/news/press-release/20161202-1"] = "20161209001425", -- knights of the eternal throne: now live!
	["info/story/setting"] = "20081023172015",
	["info/timeline/timeline1"] = "20090331124101",
	["info/tutorials"] = "20190918163220",
	["legacyofthesith"] = "20210701200029",
	["may-the-fourth"] = "20191118232846",
	["media/concepts?page=23"] = "20100824160221",
	["media/concepts/20090220_004"] = "20101103011301",
	["media/concepts/jedi-consular"] = "20111202071944",
	["media/concepts/jedi-knight-2"] = "20110903052234",
	["media/concepts/klorslug"] = "20101204032310",
	["media/concepts/sith-inquisitor"] = "20111101223405",
	["media/concepts/sith-lightsaber-1"] = "20110429083622",
	["media/concepts/republic-capitol-ship"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/concepts/sith-marauders"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/concepts/voss-1"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/concepts/voss-2"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/concepts/voss"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/concepts/wraid"] = "20111123005524",
	["media/screens/coruscant-3"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/screens/coruscant-4"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/screens/gormak-0"] = "20100504153334",
	["media/screens/m3-m1-medical-droid"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/screens/voss-0"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/screens/voss-1"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/screens/voss-2"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/screens/voss"] = "20101130180657",
	["media/trailers/coruscant-revealed"] = "20090928010956",
	["media/trailers/deceived-cinematic-trailer"] = "20101227155349",
	["media/trailers/developer-dispatch-6"] = "20120510011054",
	["media/trailers/developer-walkthrough"] = "20091003102142",
	["media/trailers/e3-multiplayer-demo"] = "20100812200739",
	["media/trailers/eternity-vault"] = "20120126090430",
	["media/trailers/flashpoint-taral-v"] = "20120401071946",
	["media/trailers/hope-cinematic-trailer"] = "20110226045020",
	["media/trailers/huttball"] = "20110828061556",
	["media/trailers/player-ships-old-republic"] = "20120313044024",
	["media/trailers/return"] = "20110609180214",
	["media/trailers/sith-warrior-game-trailer"] = "20100806080723", 
	["media/trailers/taral-v-developer-walkthrough"] = "20120305144315",
	["media/trailers/video-documentary-2"] = "20090317054722",
	["media/trailers/video-documentary-3"] = "20090815090255",
	["media/trailers/warzones"] = "20130312224352",
	["info/media/wallpapers/return-1"] = "20120525200046",
	["info/media/wallpapers/return-4"] = "20121106010334",
	["media/webcomics/blood-of-the-empire"] = "20100426121534",
	["media/webcomics/threat-of-peace"] = "20100903211012",
	["news/article/20081021_001"] = "20081218040742", -- welcome to star wars: the old republic
	["news/article/20081106_001"] = "20081206193057", -- tor world exclusive first look in pc gamer
	["news/article/20081205_001"] = "20081206152442", -- story in star wars™: the old republic™
	["news/article/20081211_001"] = "20081212183714", -- first video documentary coming soon!
	["news/article/20081212_001"] = "20081215031011", -- first video documentary released!
	["news/article/20081217_001"] = "20081220222550", -- bioware returns to star wars [gamespy]
	["news/article/20081219_001"] = "20100130172144", -- star wars™: the old republic™ fan friday (december 19 2008)
	["news/article/20081226_001"] = "20081228224033", -- december media update
	["news/article/20090102_001"] = "20090113080230", -- capturing the look of star wars™: the old republic™
	["news/article/20090109_001"] = "20090113173509", -- new concepts and forum avatars
	["news/article/20090116_001"] = "20100125222645", -- star wars™: the old republic™ fan friday (january 16 2009)
	["news/article/20090123_001"] = "20090126024804", -- star wars™: the old republic™ media update
	["news/article/20090130_001"] = "20090131202606", -- the making of tython
	["news/article/20090207_001"] = "20090208215618", -- threat of peace webcomic
	["news/article/20090213_001"] = "20090217044422", -- explore hutta
	["news/article/20090227_001"] = "20090227220840", -- first issue of threat of peace released
	["news/article/20090313_001"] = "20090317055110", -- threat of peace, issue #2
	["news/article/20090313_002"] = "20090322213436", -- video documentary #2
	["news/article/20090320_001"] = "20090322021102", -- bounty hunter class reveal!
	["news/article/20090327_001"] = "20090331020848", -- threat of peace, issue #3f"
	["news/article/20090327_002"] = "20090331020910", -- the treaty of coruscant
	["news/article/20090410_001"] = "20090413014627", -- discover ord mantell
	["news/article/20090410_002"] = "20090413111639", -- threat of peace, issue #4
	["news/article/20090424_002"] = "20090427034202", -- threat of peace, issue #5
	["news/article/20090501_001"] = "20090504130653", -- the diverse worlds of the old republic
	["news/article/20090508_001"] = "20090511074333", -- trooper class revealed!
	["news/article/20090508_002"] = "20090511074339", -- threat of peace, issue #6
	["news/article/20090515_001"] = "20090517113504", -- the mandalorian blockade is broken
	["news/article/20090522_001"] = "20100204090050", -- star wars™: the old republic™ fan friday (may 22 2009)
	["news/article/20090522_002"] = "20090524180832", -- threat of peace, issue #7
	["news/article/20090529_001"] = "20100102030649", -- the republic trooper
	["news/article/20090601_001"] = "20090612021421", -- the holonet
	["news/article/20090601_002"] = "20100130034020", -- ""deceived"" cinematic trailer released!
	["news/article/20090605_001"] = "20090612021431", -- threat of peace, issue #8
	["news/article/20090605_002"] = "20090612021437", -- happiness is a warm gun
	["news/article/20090612_001"] = "20090615065125", -- the smuggler shipment has arrived!
	["news/article/20090619_001"] = "20090622072812", -- threat of peace, issue #9
	["news/article/20090619_002"] = "20090622072822", -- star wars™: the old republic™ e3 highlights
	["news/article/20090626_001"] = "20090701055953", -- comic-con international and fan friday!
	["news/article/20090703_001"] = "20090705194427", -- threat of peace #10: act 2 begins!
	["news/article/20090703_002"] = "20090706041412", -- the return of the mandalorians
	["news/article/20090710_001"] = "20090712121035", -- the voice of the old republic
	["news/article/20090717_001"] = "20090720071113", -- threat of peace, issue #11
	["news/article/20090717_002"] = "20100107000950", -- the voice of the old republic
	["news/article/20090724_001"] = "20090728172350", -- fan friday and summer events schedule
	["news/article/20090731_001"] = "20090804055953", -- threat of peace, issue #12
	["news/article/20090807_001"] = "20090809163356", -- developer blog: creating the smuggler
	["news/article/20090814_001"] = "20090817010432", -- threat of peace, chapter 2, issue #13
	["news/article/20090814_002"] = "20090815211228", -- fan friday for august 2009
	["news/article/fan-friday-20081121"] = "20100127091146", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (november 21 2008)
	["news/article/hutta-concepts-and-new-avatars"] = "20100114062150", -- hutta concepts and new avatars
	["news/article/media-update-20081128"] = "20081202231614", -- new screenshots released
	["news/article/star-wars-old-republic-media-update"] = "20081206193252", -- star wars: the old republic media update!
	["news/blog/20091001_001"] = "20091004150700", -- the story of the sith warrior
	["news/blog/20091106_001"] = "20091109013154", -- writing the jedi knight
	["news/blog/20091106_002"] = "20101130042219", -- writing the jedi knight
	["news/blog/20100101_001"] = "20100102003936", -- top secret: dossier on the imperial agent!
	["news/blog/20100205_001"] = "20101130041929", -- composing the sith inquisitor
	["news/blog/20100305_001"] = "20100307131306", -- finding balance in the force
	["news/blog/20100402_001"] = "20100404043826", -- community: the third element
	["news/blog/20100514_001"] = "20100517083409", -- creating worlds
	["news/blog/20100716_002"] = "20100719184253", -- sounds of the old republic
	["news/blog/20101001"] = "20101005030528", -- designing the advanced classes system
	["news/blog/20101203"] = "20101205235359", -- closer look at crew skills
	["news/blog/20110617"] = "20110620083828", -- news, updates, and developer blogs - ""the post-writing polish process""
	["news/bwblog/20090206_001"] = "20090208094228", -- how the content team makes it happen
	["news/bwblog/20090306_001"] = "20090309193340", -- developer blog: creating the polluted world of hutta
	["news/bwblog/20090403_001"] = "20090406105213", -- developer blog: creating the bounty hunter
	["news/bwblog/20090424_001"] = "20090427072214", -- developer blog: creating ord mantell
	["news/bwblog/bioware-blog-alexander-freed"] = "20081206152523", -- writing stories in the star wars™ universe
	["news/bwblog/bioware-blog-mark-how"] = "20090113173515", -- bioware blog: mark how
	["news/bwblog/bioware-blog-rob-chestney"] = "20081206193118", -- bioware blog: rob chestney
	["news/bwblog/bwblog001"] = "20081216161227", -- welcome to the community
	["news/news-article/20090818_001"] = "20090819235346", -- welcome to star wars: the old republic
	["news/news-article/20090819_001"] = "20090826121611", -- developer walkthrough disclosed!
	["news/news-article/20090827_001"] = "20090829153700", -- unmasking the sith warrior!
	["news/news-article/20090828_001"] = "20090830035243", -- threat of peace, issue #14
	["news/news-article/20090828_002"] = "20111008192519", -- unmasking the sith warrior!
	["news/news-article/20090903_001"] = "20090907192311", -- the empire changes strategy
	["news/news-article/20090904_001"] = "20090914084951", -- 25% off star wars: knights of the old republic
	["news/news-article/20090911_002"] = "20090913054404", -- discover coruscant, capital of the republic
	["news/news-article/20090918_001"] = "20090923235315", -- threat of peace, issue #15
	["news/news-article/20090924_001"] = "20091001230014", -- threat of peace, issue #16
	["news/news-article/20090929_001"] = "20091002221544", -- sign up to test star wars: the old republic!
	["news/news-article/20091009_001"] = "20091012070118", -- the making of coruscant
	["news/news-article/20091009_002"] = "20091012070139", -- threat of peace, issue #17
	["news/news-article/20091016_001"] = "20091020150925", -- the battle for balmorra!
	["news/news-article/20091023_001"] = "20091025031614", -- the battle of bothawui
	["news/news-article/20091023_002"] = "20091025043413", -- threat of peace, issue #18
	["news/news-article/20091030_001"] = "20091101123106", -- jedi knight, defender of the republic
	["news/news-article/20091106_001"] = "20091109014545", -- threat of peace, issue #19
	["news/news-article/20091113_001"] = "20091116013347", -- spying on the imperial agent!
	["news/news-article/20091120_001"] = "20091123070242", -- threat of peace, issue #20
	["news/news-article/20091127_001"] = "20091130150835", -- the legacy of alderaan
	["news/news-article/20091202_001"] = "20091208010906", -- the expanded universe of the old republic
	["news/news-article/20091203_002"] = "20091208010919", -- the final two classes revealed
	["news/news-article/20091204_001"] = "20091208010923", -- uncloaking the jedi consular!
	["news/news-article/20091204_001-0"] = "20091207113528", -- threat of peace, issue #21
	["news/news-article/20091211_001"] = "20091213012005", -- sith inquisitor, master of deceit
	["news/news-article/20091218_001"] = "20091220201224", -- threat of peace, issue #22
	["news/news-article/20091218_002"] = "20091221060745", -- the sands of tatooine
	["news/news-article/20091224_001"] = "20100130105712", -- designing the dark side
	["news/news-article/20091225"] = "20091229220120", -- designing the dark side
	["news/news-article/20100108_001"] = "20100110025932", -- dromund kaas, imperial seat of power
	["news/news-article/20100108_002"] = "20100110030132", -- threat of peace, issue #23
	["news/news-article/20100115_001"] = "20100118082802", -- threat of peace, issue #24
	["news/news-article/20100115_002"] = "20100127010813", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (january 15 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100122_001"] = "20100125115622", -- onslaught of the sith empire
	["news/news-article/20100129_001"] = "20100131073447", -- threat of peace, issue #25
	["news/news-article/20100212_001"] = "20100215033234", -- threat of peace, issue #26
	["news/news-article/20100212_002"] = "20100214093229", -- taris: legacy of sith destruction
	["news/news-article/20100219_001"] = "20101130220925", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (february 19 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100226_001"] = "20100301010315", -- threat of peace, issue #27
	["news/news-article/20100226_002"] = "20100301010320", -- returning to taris
	["news/news-article/20100312_001"] = "20100315141928", -- breaking out on belsavis!
	["news/news-article/20100312_001-0"] = "20110907065718", -- blood of the empire webcomic
	["news/news-article/20100312_002"] = "20100315141933", -- blood of the empire webcomic
	["news/news-article/20100319_001"] = "20101130220051", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (march 19 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100326_001"] = "20100329130650", -- holonet update: biographies!
	["news/news-article/20100326_001-0"] = "20111120210057", -- smuggler’s vanguard on!
	["news/news-article/20100326_002"] = "20100329130655", -- smuggler's vanguard on!
	["news/news-article/20100326_002-0"] = "20101026082622", -- holonet update: biographies!
	["news/news-article/20100401_001"] = "20101201022858", -- sarlacc enforcer, devourer of injustice
	["news/news-article/20100409_001"] = "20100411143845", -- secret mists of voss
	["news/news-article/20100416_001"] = "20100418025855", -- peace for the republic?
	["news/news-article/20100423_001"] = "20100424222440", -- blood of the empire released!
	["news/news-article/20100423_001-0"] = "20100424225220", -- threat of peace in print!
	["news/news-article/20100423_002"] = "20101201022923", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (april 24 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100423_003"] = "20100427033054", -- combat in star wars: the old republic
	["news/news-article/20100430_001"] = "20100503044521", -- revealing darth malgus, dark lord of the sith
	["news/news-article/20100430_001-0"] = "20101201022702", -- holonet biographies updated!
	["news/news-article/20100430_002"] = "20100503213727", -- new holorecord now online: inhabitants!
	["news/news-article/20100430_003"] = "20100503074110", -- holonet biographies updated!  -- mandalore, garza, malgus
	["news/news-article/20100430_003-0"] = "20101201021803", -- revealing darth malgus, dark lord of the sith
	["news/news-article/20100507_001"] = "20100510211644", -- blood of the empire, issue #2
	["news/news-article/20100514_002"] = "20100517083414", -- announcing the advanced class system!
	["news/news-article/20100521_001-0"] = "20100523152904", -- blood of the empire, issue #3!
	["news/news-article/20100521_002"] = "20100624234416", -- the frozen wastes of hoth
	["news/news-article/20100521_002-0"] = "20101201022209", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (may 21 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100521_003"] = "20100523153254", -- the frozen wastes of hoth
	["news/news-article/20100528_001"] = "20100531191210", -- companion characters
	["news/news-article/20100528_002-0"] = "20100530052347", -- sith warrior update!
	["news/news-article/20100604_001"] = "20100606091256", -- blood of the empire #4!
	["news/news-article/20100609_002-0"] = "20100614170508", -- limited edition bounty hunter statue
	["news/news-article/20100611_001"] = "20100613221851", -- the jedi civil war
	["news/news-article/20100614_001"] = "20100616213553", -- the old republic @ e3 2010
	["news/news-article/20100618_001"] = "20100621115032", -- blood of the empire #5!
	["news/news-article/20100618_002"] = "20100621054235", -- the old republic @ e3 2010
	["news/news-article/20100625_001"] = "20100627114803", -- blood of the empire #6!
	["news/news-article/20100709_001"] = "20100712050326", -- comic-con kick-off
	["news/news-article/20100709_002"] = "20100711112543", -- game testing is underway!
	["news/news-article/20100716_001"] = "20100719194813", -- music of the old republic
	["news/news-article/20100716_001-0"] = "20100719184341", -- blood of the empire #7!
	["news/news-article/20100716_003"] = "20100719184233", -- music of the old republic
	["news/news-article/20100723_001"] = "20101005110501", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (july 23 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100723_001-0"] = "20100724231746", -- fatal alliance
	["news/news-article/20100723_002"] = "20100725180108", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday
	["news/news-article/20100730_001"] = "20101005102232", -- nar shaddaa: crowning jewel of the underworld
	["news/news-article/20100730_001-0"] = "20100802082136", -- blood of the empire #8!
	["news/news-article/20100730_002"] = "20111130042637", -- threat of peace in print!
	["news/news-article/20100730_003-0"] = "20100802081959", -- nar shaddaa: crowning jewel of the underworld
	["news/news-article/20100806"] = "20100810075432", -- new playable species!
	["news/news-article/20100806-0"] = "20100810075428", -- the mandalorian wars
	["news/news-article/20100813"] = "20100816033622", -- jedi knight holonet update
	["news/news-article/20100813-0"] = "20100816033821", -- blood of the empire #9!
	["news/news-article/20100820"] = "20100822144443", -- starships of the old republic
	["news/news-article/20100820-0"] = "20101130221303", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (august 20 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100827"] = "20100829203758", -- blood of the empire #10!
	["news/news-article/20100903"] = "20100905165800", -- space combat in the old republic
	["news/news-article/20100904"] = "20100907062633", -- mysteries of knights of the old republic
	["news/news-article/20100910"] = "20100913121043", -- corellia: freedom under fire?
	["news/news-article/20100910-0"] = "20100913123201", -- blood of the empire #11!
	["news/news-article/20100917"] = "20100919015230", -- designing the light side
	["news/news-article/20100917-0"] = "20101130224139", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (september 17 2010)
	["news/news-article/20100924"] = "20100926182141", -- new smuggler secrets
	["news/news-article/20100924-0"] = "20100926182147", -- blood of the empire #12!
	["news/news-article/20101008"] = "20101010132320", -- ilum: dark plans for power?
	["news/news-article/20101015"] = "20101018195653", -- the fall of exar kun
	["news/news-article/20101022"] = "20101026060618", -- new biographies
	["news/news-article/20101022-0"] = "20101130023425", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (october 22 2020)
	["news/news-article/20101029"] = "20101031155433", -- new agent intel
	["news/news-article/20101105"] = "20101108072802", -- warzone video
	["news/news-article/20101105-0"] = "20101107211542", -- vote for the jedi consular advanced class
	["news/news-article/20101112"] = "20101114060117", -- crew skills revealed!
	["news/news-article/20101119"] = "20101130002621", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (november 19 2010)
	["news/news-article/20101119-0"] = "20110207235050", -- studio insider – flesh raiders
	["news/news-article/20101126"] = "20101129022654", -- new inhabitants on the holonet!
	["news/news-article/20101203"] = "20101205235436", -- jedi wizard renamed
	["news/news-article/20101210"] = "20101212230245", -- rebirth of the sith empire
	["news/news-article/20101217"] = "20101221224645", -- studio insider – experience coruscant
	["news/news-article/20101217-0"] = "20101221224700", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday (december 17 2010)
	["news/news-article/20101217-1"] = "20101221224705", -- deceived novel: exclusive preview
	["news/news-article/20101224"] = "20101227090154", -- trooper dossier
	["news/news-article/20110312"] = "20230323200558", -- taral v developer walkthrough
	["news/news-article/20110603-0"] = "20140211111707", -- the lost suns comic now available
	["news/news-article/20110606"] = "20110610100416", -- ''return'' intro cinematic released
	["news/news-article/20110610-0"] = "20110613053439", -- the old republic at e3 2011!
	["news/news-article/20110729"] = "20110803200734", -- 'the esseles' developer walkthrough
	["news/news-article/20110812-0"] = "20110816075751", -- star wars: the old republic fan friday
	["news/news-article/20111014-1"] = "20111016003913", -- global launch for the old republic
	["news/news-article/20120113"] = "20120113190014", -- 'kaon under siege' flashpoint
	["news/news-article/20190201"] = "20200729161952", -- swtor in-game events for february—rakghoul resurgence on alderaan
	["news/press-release/20081021_001"] = "20100523022503", -- lucasarts and bioware reveal star wars: the old republic
	["news/press/20090207_001"] = "20090208215618", -- star wars: the old republic - threat of peace announced
	["node/316149"] = "20191118064024",
	["node/317969"] = "20230429232344",
	["patchnotes/02152022/game-update-7.0-legacy-sith"] = "20220214212628",
	["patchnotes/02162021/game-update-6.2.1"] = "20210219115510",
	["patchnotes/04182017/game-update-5.2-war-iokath"] = "20200424155724",
	["patchnotes/04272021/game-update-6.3"] = "20220215003114",
	["patchnotes/10202020/game-update-6.1.4"] = "20221201201449",
	["patchnotes/05032018/game-update-5.9-nathema-conspiracy"] = "20200524054533",
	["patchnotes/06042019/game-update-5.10.3-dantooine-incursion"] = "20200424105648",
	["patchnotes/06132023/game-update-7.3-old-wounds"] = "20230703201133",
	["patchnotes/08022022/game-update-7.1-digging-deeper"] = "20220802163302",
	["patchnotes/1.1.0/rise-rakghouls"] = "20120121010657",
	["patchnotes/1.1.0a/1192012"] = "20120205071534",
	["patchnotes/1.1.5/362012"] = "20191118141510",
	["patchnotes/1.2.0/legacy"] = "20191206003545",
	["patchnotes/1.4.0/terror-beyond"] = "20191204202456",
	["patchnotes/1.6.0/ancient-hypergate"] = "20191227174001",
	["patchnotes/1.6.3/1232013"] = "20210314111658",
	["patchnotes/1.7.0/return-gree"] = "20130215181739",
	["patchnotes/10202015/game-update-4.0-knights-fallen-empire-early-access"] = "20191206140915",
	["patchnotes/1022018/game-update-5.9.3-fame-and-fortune"] = "20191206001941",
	["patchnotes/10222019/game-update-6.0-onslaught"] = "20191203130807",
	["patchnotes/11282017/game-update-5.6-traitor-among-chiss"] = "20180730001307",
	["patchnotes/11292016/game-update-5.0-knights-eternal-throne-early-access"] = "20191205221817",
	["patchnotes/12112018/game-update-5.10-jedi-under-siege"] = "20200424105648",
	["patchnotes/12122017/game-update-5.6.1"] = "20191231215021",
	["patchnotes/12132016/game-update-5.0.1-patch-notes"] = "20191231220530",
	["patchnotes/12132022/game-update-7.2-showdown-ruhnuk"] = "20230129212843",
	["patchnotes/12162014/game-update-3.0.1-patch-notes"] = "20200424215701",
	["patchnotes/12172013/game-update-2.5.1-patch-notes"] = "20200425003740",
	["patchnotes/12172019/game-update-6.0.2a"] = "20200424192638",
	["patchnotes/1222014/game-update-3.0-shadow-revan-early-access"] = "20191204164827",
	["patchnotes/12317/game-update-5.1-defend-throne"] = "20191205112835",
	["patchnotes/1272015/game-update-4.0.3"] = "20200424141421",
	["patchnotes/1292020/game-update-6.2"] = "20201209071332",
	["patchnotes/2.0-rothc/rise-hutt-cartel-and-scum-and-villainy"] = "20191118150459",
	["patchnotes/2.1.0/customization"] = "20191205212733",
	["patchnotes/2.1.1/5302013"] = "20191206104115",
	["patchnotes/2.2/operation-nightmare"] = "20191119191646",
	["patchnotes/2.3.1/8212013"] = "20191205200027",
	["patchnotes/2.3/titans-industry"] = "20191206222713",
	["patchnotes/2.4.0/dread-war"] = "20191206130641",
	["patchnotes/2.4.2/10292013"] = "20191204164838",
	["patchnotes/2.5.0/galactic-starfighter-early-access"] = "20180330020353",
	["patchnotes/242014/game-update-2.6-galactic-starfighter"] = "20191207053650",
	["patchnotes/282016/game-update-4.1-anarchy-paradise-patch-notes"] = "20191206185049",
	["patchnotes/382016/game-update-4.2-disavowed-patch-notes"] = "20191206001813",
	["patchnotes/4282015/game-update-3.2-rise-emperor"] = "20191207053720",
	["patchnotes/452016/game-update-4.3-visions-dark"] = "20191118071336",
	["patchnotes/532016/game-update-4.4-profit-and-plunder"] = "20191205030551",
	["patchnotes/6102014/game-update-2.8-spoils-war"] = "20191205095304",
	["patchnotes/612016/game-update-4.5-mandalore%e2%80%99s-revenge"] = "20191206001801",
	["patchnotes/6282016/game-update-4.6-gemini-deception"] = "20191206104055",
	["patchnotes/7222015/game-update-3.3-grand-togruta-celebration"] = "20191204190647",
	["patchnotes/8192014/game-update-2.9-galactic-strongholds-early-access"] = "20191118101200",
	["patchnotes/8222017/game-update-5.4-crisis-umbara"] = "20200424105851",
	["patchnotes/972016/game-update-4.7.1-shroud-memory"] = "20210314021240",
	["patchnotes/992014/game-update-2.10-forged-alliances-patch-notes"] = "20191205042951",
	["rothc"] = "20200206035206",
	["server-status"] = "20200326231714",
	["shadow-of-revan"] = "20200318021208",
	["topic/896545-dear-story-team-what-year-are-we-currently-in/page/5/#comment-9525163"] = "20240102033232",
	["topic/929094-jr-4-recon-droid-mini-pet/"] = "20230430164334",
    ["info/news/20230811"] = "20230811153358", -- swtor begins to move servers to the cloud!
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20230811"] = "20230811165218", -- swtor begins to move servers to the cloud!
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20230811-0"] = "20230811203236", -- game update 7.3.1 is coming soon!
    ["info/news/article/20230811"] = "20230814165034", -- swtor begins to move servers to the cloud!
    ["info/news/article/20230811-0"] = "20230811205309", -- game update 7.3.1 is coming soon!,
    ["info/news/article/20230831"] = "20230901172151", -- swtor in-game events for september
    ["info/news/article/20230901"] = "20230901172200", -- ahsoka inspired outfit and sabers coming in game update 7.3.1!
    ["info/news/20230901-0"] = "20230901195131", -- galactic season 5 "confidence in power"
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20230901"] = "20230901203127", -- galactic season 5 "confidence in power"
    ["info/news/article/20230901-0"] = "20230901205142", -- galactic season 5 "confidence in power",
    ["info/news/article/20230906"] = "20230906152120", -- game update 7.3.1 is live!
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20230731"] = "20230906201121", -- in-game events for august 2023
    ["info/news/article/20230912"] = "20230912191948", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.3.1,
    ["info/news/article/20230915"] = "20230915201806", -- the "best view in swtor" contest is back!
    ["info/news/article/20230921"] = "20230924081111", -- the join the fight bundle is now available!,
    ["info/news/article/20230930"] = "20230930153846", -- in-game events for october 2023,
    ["info/news/article/20231002"] = "20231002182932", -- swtor galactic season objectives: october 3rd - november 6th,
    ["info/news/article/20231011"] = "20231011191048", -- an introduction from rob denton, president of broadsword + 7.4 livestream announcement from keith kanneg, executive producer,
    ["info/news/article/20231019"] = "20231019231013", -- game update 7.4 “chains in the dark” livestream recap
    ["info/news/article/20231026"] = "20231027184819", -- 7.4 content is now available on the public test server!,
    ["info/news/article/20231030"] = "20231030201338", -- in-game events for november 2023,
    ["info/news/article/20231103"] = "20231104190314", -- pvp season 4 "fortune and fame",
    ["info/news/article/20231106"] = "20231110184038", -- swtor galactic season objectives: november 14th - december 18th
    ["info/news/article/20231115"] = "20231115230625", -- an exciting announcement from keith kanneg, executive producer of star wars™: the old republic
    ["info/news/article/20231117"] = "20231117214411", -- the shae vizla server is now open to all players!,
    ["info/news/article/20231127"] = "20231127190947", -- best view in swtor 2023 winners!,
    ["info/news/article/20231129"] = "20231201154105", -- in-game events for december 2023
    ["info/news/article/20231130"] = "20231201172103", -- game update 7.4 "chains in the dark" is coming december 5th!,
    ["info/news/article/20231204"] = "20231205165304", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.4,
    ["info/news/article/20231214"] = "20231215191212", -- swtor galactic season objectives: december 19 - january 22,
    ["info/news/article/20231220"] = "20231220175215", -- 12 years with star wars™: the old republic,
    ["info/news/article/20231231"] = "20231231171755", -- in-game events for january 2024,
    ["info/news/article/20240129"] = "20240129204450", -- in-game events for february 2024,
    ["info/news/article/20240213"] = "20240215004246", -- game update 7.4.1 "building a foundation" livestream recap
    ["info/news/article/20240226"] = "20240226200346", -- pvp season 5 "pirate's plunder",
    ["info/news/article/20240228"] = "20240228194802", -- in-game events for march 2024,
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20240226"] = "20240228224802", -- pvp season 5 "pirate's plunder",
    ["info/news/article/20240311"] = "20240311182550", -- galactic seasons 6 "building a foundation",
    ["info/news/article/20240312-0"] = "20240312130700", -- cartel market additions: game update 7.4.1,
    ["info/news/article/20240312-1"] = "20240312140727", -- date night companion missions debuting with game update 7.4.1!,
    ["info/news/article/20240312"] = "20240312154719", -- game update 7.4.1 "building a foundation" is now live!,
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20240311"] = "20240312200350", -- game update 7.4.1 "building a foundation" is now live!,
    ["info/news/article/20240329"] = "20240330153235", -- executive producer letter - q1 2024,
    ["info/news/article/20240401"] = "20240401144321", -- in-game events for april 2024,
    ["info/news/article/20240408"] = "20240408173203", -- swtor galactic seasons objectives: april 9 - may 13
    ["info/news/blog/20140109"] = "20150408173203",
    ["info/news/blog/20140310"] = "20150408173203",
    ["patchnotes/482014/game-update-2.7-invasion"] = "20150408173203",
    ["galactic-starfighter"] = "20150408173203",
    ["info/media/trailers/showdown-ruhnuk-teaser-0"] = "20240226054601",
    ["info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20240425"] = "20240501164302", -- in-game events for may 2024,
  ["info/news/article/20240501"] = "20240501220302",

return p

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